i've been so busy the past few weeks
besides encaustic class every wednesday
OWOH has kept me answering e-mails,
blog surfing
(i've "met" some really creative people)
and making cards and art
( gifts for the winners and my new followers)
it was nice to receive this wonderful art and gift certificate
in the mail
from my friend ludgera
( thanks lu, i will be off today to aboveground!)
ludgera, who's in california
taking a bookmaking class
needed some help editing and manipulating
her photos for class
above, one of the finished projects i did
which lu stitched to the burlap
and sent as a thank-you card

i loved the challenge
working with someone elses photos
it gives me a new perspective on
something i might not have considered
she sent me the photo above and below
and asked to add them together

so i altered them a bit in ps
playing with the brightness/contrast
opacity and using the b/w feature
( i tried lots of filters as well but lost a lot
of the detail in both photos)

i then decided to take it a little bit further
i added a warm carmel color
and used the "overlay" blending mode
then the text from an old postcard
using the "screen" blending mode
and finally a texture i found at
shadow house creationsand set the blending mode to "darken"

and then the finished project!
which of course i didn't stop there
for fun i inverted it,
tried on a few filters
duplicated it and added a lighting feature
and played with the blending modes again
you can go on forever!!!