you never know what will happen
when you start working on a photo
sometimes it can be mind blowing
the enhancements, layers, filters,
blending modes, lighting effects,
adding textures and frames
sometimes the simplest photos
will end up surprising me the most
I agree, it is truly wondrous! And in my favorite dreamy turquoisy color! Are you selling prints???!! I adore it!
That's beautiful!!!
Beautiful!! Isn't it funny how our view of the world changes depending on our arting style at the moment? Everything is a potential digital texture to me right now too:) LOL!! Love, Jamie
This is just divine. Very dreamy piece, beautiful combination.
You're right. It is something wonderful.
Only artists look at rust and say "it's beautiful, I can use that"Fabulous.
Oh my...this is a beautiful transformation. I love it. Very, very pretty. I want to do it too! Blessings Eden
wow, you really do wonders!!!
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