Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

getting impatient

it's been a long winter!
normally i except the fact that i live in canada
and spring comes late
but this years has been extremely long and cold
bright side:
the days are getting longer, yeah!
and the sun was shining bright yesterday
i managed to brave the cold and go for a walk
to take a few photos and get some vitamin d
above are the photos of my street
it's the only time i can see the lake,
well, a small part of it
i played with them in ps
and added a ttv
and them decided to put them all together
i think something like this would make a great banner
something spring like!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


well, it's been a long time since i played
along with any of the on-line challenges
i've been wanting to post this photo for a while
but didn't know what would be the reason
over at
this weeks topic "pink"
i'm not a huge fan but it has it places
like above
last summer while wonder through the
highland creek summer festival
i notice some really bright pink hair
so i went over for a look
what a beautiful clown
and so wonderful with the kids
making them whatever they asked for
out of her balloons!

Monday, February 23, 2009

encaustic class

another productive class
i got to put the finishing touches
on several pieces
(the sides are always forgotten)
re-did a photo transfer on a commission work
i wanted it just right!
finished the blue farm house above
and have two works if progress
i really wish class was an extra hour
it seem just when you get on a roll
and it's time to clean up
and it's just to messy to work from home
never mind finding yet another spot
to takeover in the house
my husband is only allowed in 3 rooms!
the rest of the house is me and my art!
oh, and our cat
who gets the best spots

Friday, February 20, 2009

wishful thinking

only 28 more days 'til spring

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

extra postage

i love getting something in the mail!
doesn't everyone
yesterday a large envelope arrive from nyc
i had to drool over the the stamps before i even opened it
art work on it's own
i will definitely use these in a collage and in ps
inside the envelope was this stunning grid collage
from my blogger friend ,
and talented photographer
judy tillinger
what a wonderful surprise and beautiful gift
thanks judy, your the best!
i can't wait to frame and display it

Monday, February 16, 2009

encaustic class

this weeks class was great!
things just went my way
i was inspired by a painting i saw on the weekend
and decided to do something similar in wax
it came out better than expected
last week i made this background with gold leaf, wax
and then crackled it with shellac and a blow torch
i was struggling with what to do with it and
with the help of my class mate, ludgera,
i finished it off with a photo transfer of a picture
from the distillery district
some upholstery tacks, an old key and metal strip
i'm happy with the results
thanks ludgera for all your help
and inspiration
it's wonderful having you in the class!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

OWOH and the winner is???????

WOW, what a whirlwind
thanks to the over 900 participants
from all over the world
i have found some new friends and
"met" some really creative and talented people
drum roll please........

the winner is......

check out her blog
she is an amazing artist and photographer

i can't believe i've have 492 comments and
decided to add a few more prizes

one for every hundred comments

so second prize goes to...........

another amazing artist
love her digital work and jewelry

third, fourth and fifth prizes go to......

marie neige
her photography is stunning

a wonderful illustrator


mixed media and photographer

thanks to all
i wish everyone could win
as promised i've made 150 handmade cards
and have been busy answering e-mail and stuffing envelopes,
and several trips to the post office
i'm still waiting for 30 or so responses
now that the excitement is over
i can go back and really enjoy looking
my new favorite blogs

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

shellac and a blow torch!

sounds like something out of an austin powers movie!
yesterday i got everyone intrigued about this technique
i learned in my encautic class
thanks to my friend , ludgera
(who i have taken classes with before)
she brought the stuff to do this really cool look
i first covered my canvas with a page of latin text
layered on some wax, added some gold leaf
and then scrapped some of it off
and then added a coat of shellac
let it sit for a few minutes
and then the fun part
used the blow torch to produce the little cracks!
( i think sharon will love this!)
i'm going to try and add a photo transfer
so i'll keep you posted

Monday, February 9, 2009

encaustic class

the top project was a commissioned piece
for elizabeth
it's her niece, sarah
a photo from their trip to italy
the background if sarah's art
drawn while in the museum in venice
it was a christmas present for sarah's mom
the second i finished today
it's a photo of her drawing her art
in the same place
this one is for elizabeth
i did learn a new technique
in class today using shellac and a blow torch
when it is done , i'll post a photo

Sunday, February 8, 2009

you've got mail!

i decided to get a head start on mailing my
cards for my new friends at owoh
i sent out 150 e-mails and have had
65 responses so far
so today i spent the day making labels
and stuffing envelopes
it's been a long day!
this event end on the 12th and
i will be drawing the winning name
p.s. anyone who hasn't sent me their
mail address, do so soon

Friday, February 6, 2009

back in the groove

after going through my photos
and playing around in ps
i decided to change my banner
it has been a few months
i found some great photos from last fall
my cottage trip to owen sound
i also did the above project
a photo from the same trip (inverted)
a page from an old science book,
an old handwritten letter
and a ttv frame

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

it's a new dawn, it's a new day

when i'm blocked or frustrated
i sit and look through my photos
with my itunes playing in the background
usually it's motown or r&r
this time it was my mellow playlist
maybe it was listening to michael buble's
"feeling good"
that inspired me
above is a photo taken of mirror lake
in lake placid, ny
last fall on a road trip
i got up with the rising up
wondered along the lake
me and the loones and a few joggers
the peaceful lake
it was so beautiful
today is my day off
so i will work on some art

Monday, February 2, 2009

one of those days!

have you ever had one of those days
where nothing goes right
i was so excited to get to class today
i had several "works in progress"and
a few new ideas to start
well, it just didn't happen
3 hours of getting frustrated
and just feeling like all my ideas
were not working out as i dreamed
so i have nothing to show for today
hopefully next week i will get my groove back
i think i used up all my creative "juices" yesterday
working on my mini collages for owoh
i finished a series of "angels"
seen above
wallpaper, one of photos, and
a transparency of an iron gate

Sunday, February 1, 2009

more collage

it's been fun looking through all my paper
i should really do this more often
it has sparked alot of creativity
i even got out the my sewing machine
which i haven't used in over a year
i found a stash of mini canvas boards and
have using them to make these collages
above are a few photos
from a country road trip to port perry
and i found a huge container of "oriental" papers
so far i've made 40 "heart ", 18 collage and
40 photo cards plus 20 mini canvas collages