Tuesday, February 24, 2009


well, it's been a long time since i played
along with any of the on-line challenges
i've been wanting to post this photo for a while
but didn't know what would be the reason
over at
this weeks topic "pink"
i'm not a huge fan but it has it places
like above
last summer while wonder through the
highland creek summer festival
i notice some really bright pink hair
so i went over for a look
what a beautiful clown
and so wonderful with the kids
making them whatever they asked for
out of her balloons!


  1. What a fun photo. And, by the way, I want to let you know I'm wearing my new necklace (which arrived yesterday) to my jewelry class today.


  2. I love clowns and he pink on this one is just perfect. :-)

  3. Bright, fun..and pink! Great photo for a winter's day!

  4. I think the subject you chose works perfectly here.

  5. Dearest Nancy,

    Words cannot express how speechless (ha! strange but true!) I was when I opened the beautiful angel plaque from you today. It is now hanging in our family room. I will take a photo of it tomorrow and blog about it. Just want to let you know how touched I was to receive that and your lovely sewn card, so pretty.

    Thanks so so much,
    Aimeslee in Texas xoxo

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great photo for the challenge! I love the thursday challenge idea...makes one step out of the box...


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