Sunday, February 8, 2009

you've got mail!

i decided to get a head start on mailing my
cards for my new friends at owoh
i sent out 150 e-mails and have had
65 responses so far
so today i spent the day making labels
and stuffing envelopes
it's been a long day!
this event end on the 12th and
i will be drawing the winning name
p.s. anyone who hasn't sent me their
mail address, do so soon


  1. you are truly busy. those cards will be a nice to receive. How I wished I am one of the addressees.

  2. I would like to be in the draw, as well.

  3. Oh my goodness, that must be a huge project!!! Did you know what you might be getting yourself into? They look wonderful!

  4. Wow, what an undertaking. You truly are a lady who keeps her word. I'd venture to guess you had no idea how big this would turn out to be. I am compelled to do a giveaway myslepf next year. I am amazed at all the wonderful people out there. I too am making new friends via blogland.


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