Monday, January 19, 2009

one world one heart


well today is the day
where bloggers get to meet new friends
so to all my new friends
thanks for stopping by
and i hope you enjoy
please add a comment below
with your link so i can visit you

this is the prize to drawn on feb.12th
i think everyone deserves a prize
so i'm working on some hand made art cards
as a thank-you to all (limit 150 cards to be made)
also, anyone who adds to my "followers"
will be added to my links list
thanks again, nancy

link back to my main page

link to my photograpy

some of my art

my jewelry


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Alexandra said...

This is wonderful, please add my name to your list! Alexandrartedw

Shariyah said...

This is absolutely beautiful!!! What a generous give-away you have! Please do enter me enter your drawing, and if you haven't already come visit my blog and sign up to win my prizes!! Lovely to meet you, and I look forward to getting to know you more~

Peace & Love


Puddles of Grace said...

Love your site! Please add me to your drawing!

aliceinparis said...

Beautiful prize:))
Hello from snowy, rainy, cold and white, Nova Scotia!!
Cheers, Shelagh

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Beautiful piece! First year for OWOH for me. Karen

stampgram said...

What an awesome piece...LOVE it. Please enter me in your drawing.

Viola said...

Great piece! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous heart. please enter my name in your drawing

Robin said...

beautiful heart
robin krieger

Janet said...

What a beautiful giveaway! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Sue said...

Gorgeous! So happy to have discovered your blog
through OWOH! Please enter me in your draw!

Fae Wishes from a fellow


Anonymous said... gorgeous!! of course I want to be entered in your fabulous give away. So good to meet you. Visit me too!
Visit my blog. I’m in OWOH too!

ART*ticulation said...

Kewl count me in!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful give-away! Please do enter me enter your drawing, and if you haven't already come visit my blog and sign up to win my prizes!! Lovely to meet you~

magpie said...

hey nancy!
lovely contribution and truly lovely sentiments.

having never done this it's
really a treat finding all these new and creative sites, so
we're all winning!


Sherry Goodloe said...

Good morning Nancy - nice to meet you :) This heart is fab-u-lous!

Happy OWOH 2009 to you. Please enter my name in your drawing, and when you get a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway as WELL :)

Gloria said...

Love this! count me in.

Anonymous said...

I love this...I really want to win it - so pick me! lol

contact me at:

Anonymous said...

Lovely prize...add me to the drawing please.

xashee's corner said...

OMGoodness!!!!!!! that is BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL!!!! Absolutely unique & LOVELY!! Thank you so much for this chance to win this goodie!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC day! :D

AwtemNymf said...

Very nice! Please count me in to win this beautiful heart!
Thank you!

Lori said...

Nancy, your heart is beautiful!!!

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Please include me and drop by mine

Ellen Lyn said...

Very pretty! Please count me in!!

Alexandra said...

That is so beautiful. Thank you so much for the generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm also an OWOH participant :)

Veleta (Sammy) said...

this is so awesome!

Latharia said...

Love that piece! Just magnificent! :) You must be a very patient person to do such beading! Please do enter me into your drawing ... then come visit my blog & enter mine!! :D

latharia @ comcast dot net

Becky Bunn said...

This is lovely. Please enter me and stop by

Sara said...

That is do lovely work! I just became a follower!

mindy said...

striking and unique thanks for the giveaway minsthins(at)optonline(dot)net

Saskia said...

Just hopping from one blog to another... I discovered OWOH this morning!! Sharing creativity all over the world... amazing!!
Me, I make cards since 2 years, but I don't have a blog...yet!
Your giveaway is so lovely... someone will be very happy with it... I can only dream that it's me ;-)!! I will follow!!

Greetings from Belgium,


sandee said...

What an AwEsOmE giveaway! So unique and beautiful. Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Peggy Parker said...

Completely exquisite, unusual, and phenomenal! I'd love to own this! Please enter my name!

Anonymous said...

I think it would make a great additioin to my charm necklace

Diana S said...

Your heart is beautiful! Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway drawing. also, if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Joanne Huffman said...

Nancy, I love it. Please enter me in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

So beautiful, and perfect for One World, One Heart! I would love to enter your drawing!
chris P

The Odd Bird said...

This is so beautiful. I'd love to have it. thank you...

Ottilias Veranda said...

What a beautiful heart! and I love Your photos! I´m also "wearing" a camera most of the time! Please come and visit my blog and my little giveaway.

Mahala said...

Wow, I'd love to enter!

Anonymous said...


I just love your heart it's beautiful. I'm finding so many hidden gems in the blog world today due to OWOH... Amazing! I would love to be included in your generous give-away if you please. Thank you!!!

Dawn said...

Hi Nancy
Wow this is stunning - please count me in!


connie said...

I love this. It is wonderful. Please add my name to the list.

Anonymous said...


This prize is really beautiful! I'd love it if you'd throw my name into the hat.

I've got a giveaway going on as well over in my corner of Blogland.

It has been so nice to find all these new neighbors...


Antonella said...

Wow! I love your giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing, and stop by mine. Hugs, antonella

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Beautiful ~ Please enter me & stop by my give away when you are making your rounds, #11

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.


Anonymous said...

Yum, yum and YUM....what an amazing piece!! Absolutely gorgeous....whoever wins it will LOVE it.....please add me to your contest.

dkkirsch (at)

Secondhandrose said...

Very pretty. Please add me to your drawing. Thanks, karen

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Very Pretty! Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Sandy McTier Designs said...

What a beautiful heart!
Please enter me in your drawing and make sure to come on over and check out mine.

Kaerie Faerie said...

Your art is so beautiful, please enter me in your give-away,

I'm #117 if you want to check out my give-away said...

A beautiful heart. Come visit me if you haven't already, I have a giveaway also ~ Rachael ~

Patti G. said...

Nancy, your piece here, from the HEART is just stunning!!!!
How beautiful! Please enter me in!

GraceBeading said...

Amazing heart, love the design and the colors. I really appreciate a chance to call it mine!

Jennifer said...

Wow, that is so pretty! I'm going to follow your blog, I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

such a pretty heart!

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!

Diane said...

Gorgeous piece! Please add me

Letha Richardson said...

Your art is gorgeous. I would love to be entered in the drawing. I will be following you regularly, as I am truely inspired by what I see.

Anonymous said...

love your art
the heart is beautiful and I am adding you to my bookmarks so I can follow your blog

please add me to your drawing and check out my blog give away at


carolyn h

Leslie said...

Beautiful pendant! Please include me in your drawing, Leslie

Dragonlady said...

Lovely!, enter me please and thanks for entering mine..

Anonymous said...

The heart is quite pretty. I love the photos you took with your "toy camera" (on your sidebar). Please add my name to your list. I'm also doing OWOH, so please stop by my blog when you get the chance:


Ann said...

Please enter me in your giveaway, and stop by to enter mine! ;)

Anonymous said...

How lovely and so appropriate for one world one heart! Please enter me in your giveaway and please come by and visit ours.

The Engineer said...

What a beautiful heart pendant. Please enter me. ~Julie K.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful heart!

Kelly Snelling said...

what a lovely heart necklace! and you are at 76 comments already. wow! i hope you aren't going to make thank you notes for everyone. your little fingers are going to be so tired. your kindness in offering this pretty necklace is sweetness aplenty.

Dschrader said...

Signed up to get updates on your site...Love your site and your work! Please enter me in your drawing! I don't know how to add to favorites or I would, but I did bookmark your site! lol. Thanks, Donna Schrader

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! This is absolutely stunning!

khhast said...

What a beautiful piece!
Please enter me in your draw, and pop over to my blog and enter mine:

I'm also following your blog now because you have some wonderful pics and comments.

seahagstudio said...

beautiful heart and great blog! i'm new to blog reading but this owoh is great to find new blogs! my goal this year is to start my own! your etsy shop is great too! please sign me up! thanks, tracy

Artseyanne said...

Beautiful, please include me in your draw.
Anne s

Life on an artistic shoestring said...

This is a great piece and I hope I'm lucky enough to win it! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

That is a lovely heart! It's so nice to make your acquaintance!
For a chance to win some hand tatted lace come on over to my blog to enter whilst on your OWOH caravan travels.

jojoebi-designs said...

oh my! that is beautiful. I hope I win this one :o)

Please enter me in your draw and come and enter in mine

I will be back to have a look around :o)

Carolee said...

So nice to meet you! Please do enter my name in your drawing. :)

~ Carolee

Bibi said...

What a gorgeous pendant! Please enter me. I'm at, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Nancy, It's a beautiful heart and so appropriate for this event. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

Lorrie Grainger Abdo

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

I am new to OWOH and am finding it so exciting! A generous giveaway! Such a beautiful heart! Love the name of your blog too! :-)Please count me in and visit my blog too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so totally in love with that heart! What a great giveaway! I hope I win! Oh and I am now a follower of your amazing blog!
Have a great day!

Vanessa Kiki Johanning said...

Super cute!!! Thanks for paticipating!


divaqueenie said...

This is a gorgeous piece! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Well, I have had a wonderful time in you blog today. I really loved looking at your collages and your photos and how you are working with them in ps. I am trying to teach myself ps and have a long way to go. Anyway, I will be back many times when I can linger longer. Hope you can visit me too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

GORGEOUS! I think the jewelry will be the best prize of all! THANK!

Visit me, too!

Irene said...

Love your work. How ambitious you are and I can't believe your doing this much work.

Moira said...

How perfect, a heart for one world one heart. please enter me in the draw and many thanks

Dolores said...

Nancy, exquisite heart. Please enter me in your give away.


Jodi said...

This heart is absolutely gorgeous and I'd love to win it. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

sewfunky said...


Please enter me in the draw, and go take a look at the OWOH giveaway on my blog! :)

Tammie Lee said...

This is truly a lovely piece! So nice to meet you through your blog. Please do include me in your giveaway and come and visit me.

Cory said...

Beautiful...please add me to your drawing.

You entered mine but I can not find an email addy for you...please send.


TracyB said...

Oh MY GOSH, this piece is absolutely fabulous!! I would LOVE to be the owner of this!!

Please enter me into your drawing, all fingers & toes are crossed that you pick me!!! :)

Pamela said...

How gorgeous! I love it! Stop by my place to enter my OWOH giveaway.

Sarah said...

That's a beautiful heart! Thanks for visiting me too!

Linda said...

Please enter my name to your wonderful giveaway.
Cheers Linda

Astrid Maclean said...

Fabulous giveaway, please enter me in your draw and if you have time come and visit mine (entry 184) Thank you!!
Greetings from Bonny Scotland

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous blog and gorgeous give-away. I'm so glad that I stopped by today! I'm hoping to get my act together to participate in this wonderful event, but even if I'm not able to, at least I have found some lovely new blogs to visit! Thank you.

SpiritMama said...

Lovely blog, and what a beautiful beaded heart giveaway, I love it!

I've added myself as a follower, what a great idea!

Thank you for including me in your giveaway drawing.

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Lost Aussie said...

Lovely OWOH giveaway! xox Marie

carylsrealm said...

Gorgeous! Please enter me, I'd love to win! And please stop by my giveaway!

Sophie said...

That's a beautiful heart.

Parson's Daughter Studio said...

a beautiful piece!!! please enter me...

Melissa said...

This is beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.


Linda Sue said...

What a awesome piece! Generous give a way, my dearest! please add me:

Malissa said...

The heart is beautiful! How sweet of you to work on cards!

Pirk said...

That is absolutely beautiful.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Beautiful!!! Please add me...m...

Born in the year of the Dog said...

The heart is absolutely beautiful and an awesome OWOH giveaway. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Colleen

Jennifer R.D. said...

Oh my goodness- your piece is stunning!
Please enter my name!

Monique Kleinhans said...

This Heart is stunning! Please enter my name in your drawing and if you are able to stop by my blog please do so!

Thanks for being a part of One World One Heart!

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love a chance to be the lucky winner of your gorgeous and generous giveaway
You can find me at OWOH #122
Thank you!

Terri said...

Love it and would love to be a part of your drawing. I'll be sure to stop by after all is said and done.

sue said...

This is a beautiful give away. i have looked at your blog and you have made some lovely things

EADotCom said...

This is exquisite. Please put me in your draw....

Feel free to visit my site, though mine is not handmade by me :)

Unknown said...


Diane H said...

Greetings. Wonderful blog, I'll be back. Thanks for a chance in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...I would love to have a chance to win this wonderful giveaway.

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

what a stunning piece of art
yes please add my name
i am off to add my name to your 'followers list' :)
enjoy your day

April said...

That is a lovely heart!! What a great giveaway!

Gerry said...

Goodness, so much work. So intricate - I love it!

Please count me in. I also invite you to visit my blog to enter.

littlepage said...

This is exquisite! Please enter me in the drawing. And I am excited you are making cards for everyone; that's quite an endeavor, a wonderful gift. Thank you so much!

Jingle said...

This is so amazingly cool! I really love it! You are very talented!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Just beautiful. There is some serious artistic talent behind that heart necklace!'♥, Susan

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this years event! Isn't it great to "meet" so many diverse people?
Your pendant is beautiful and would make for an oh so lovely accessory.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH Host/participant

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

oh cool...and way gorgeous!!!!! Thanks for stopping and entering my give away also!

Heather Robinson said...

What a wonderful piece....lovely to discover a fellow Canadian and an amazingly talented one to boot! Thanks so much for your generosity.

Pat Haight said...

That heart is beautiful, please add me to your list :-)

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your artwork is lovely. I'd love to win that awesome heart! Please enter me in your drawing. I am also participating in this wonderful event!

Greetings from Germany,

Glassgrrl Studios said...

This heart is stunning, and unlike anything I've seen. A gorgeous creation, and I'm lucky to even have a chance at it.
Visit my blog for my own little giveaway.

Digital Misfit said...

What a beautiful heart - both the jewelry and the artist :)
It is unbelievably kind of you to offer art cards to so many of the OWOH caravan visitors.
I am happy to have discovered a wonderful new blog by a fellow Canadian - I am following now.

Anonymous said...

beautiful stuff!

Altered Route said...

Just Beautiful!!!
A Sweet blog you have!
Stop in over at my place to check out my giveaway...


trisha too said...

this is a beautiful heart!
I think I'll follow you around . . .

Smokeylady60 said...

Oh Nancy don't you think another Nancy should win this giveaway
Lovely please enter me.
I am number 303 if you would like to enter mine.

Anonymous said...

Yes Please!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful giveaway prize!!! Please enter me for the Awesome HEART. Be sure to enter my giveaway as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Kims Art said...

Hi! it is so nice to meet you and I just love the gift you are giving!

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

WOW! Lovely heart! Please enter my name in your drawing and make sure to visit my blog for mine. Thanks!

Kitty G said...

that is a beautiful piece of work. Thanks for the chance to win

Michelle McGee said...

I'd love to see a close up of this!!!

Twisted Hare said...

What a lovely giveaway, Please add me to the list of hopefulls! Thank you for stopping by Twisted Hare.

Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet heart. I love the way you did it. Please enter me in your drawing. Stop by if you have time and enter my drawing.

Kit said...

Beautiful giveaway. Please count me in and come by to see me as well. Thanks. Kathy

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. :-)

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and won't you stop by and enter mine!

Anonymous said...

Aww... just missed the cutoff for the art cards, but maybe I'll get lucky and win your gorgeous pendant! Do feel free to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

The Giveaway Diva said...

oh ow wsooo amazing!! i'd love to be entered! thanks so much!!

Jax said...

What a gorgeous heart. Please count me in for your drawing!

Connie said...

Really beautiful! Please enter me in yout drawing, and come enter mine!

Anonymous said...

This is incredibly beautiful. I'd be honoured to wear it.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Northern Alberta. Beautiful piece. Please add me to your draw.

Val Braun

bluemuf said...

Just so lovely, please enter me in the draw.


Suzanne said...

What a beautiful heart! Thanks for bringing me here.

Anonymous said...

This is lovely. Please add my name.


What a gorgeous piece! I would love to be added to your drawing.

Moniqui said...

Beautiful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and do visit mine!

Renee said...

I love a heart, it always shares so much.


Aisha said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I really want this :D. Hope I'll get it and hope you can join mine too.

Sara said...

Hello from Nova Scotia! This is my first year involved with OWOH (#258), and I'm having lots of fun "meeting" the participants. So many talented people!
Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

WOW such a nice craft ! please count me in!!

donna joy said...

beautiful & unique!
count me in~

WillowLakeScents said...

Stunning ! Please add me to the list !

Dragonlady said...

Beautiful, amazingly beautiful, crossing my fingers...
I am on the caravan too..

AlwaysInspired said...

Beautiful necklace! Add me to the draw please!

Marilyn said...

Hi, Melissa!
What a beautiful piece you're offering--I love it!!! Please add my name to your drawing...thanks!
Thank you, too, for your visit to my blog:)

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

How lovely! Really amazing piece! Please enter my name in the draw!

If you get a chance, stop by my giveaway too!

Franny said...

This is so beautiful! I could wear it everyday!

I would jump for joy to win this the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)

Anonymous said...

this is so unique and beautiful, I love it! Please throw my name in the hat!
you can visit my blog for my giveway too :)

Unknown said...

This is beautiful, and just my style. Please enter me in your drawing, and come check out mine!

Mel♥ said...

please enter me so beautiful!!
Great Blog

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece. Please enter me and thanks for the opportunity.

Carol Stocker said...

Wow! I have been looking at all your jewelry and art and am so impressed! I would be honored to enter your drawing. Thanks and hugs, Carol

Lisa Gatz said...

wow...that is GORGEOUS! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Mieke said...

This is so great!!!

Lynn Stevens said...

Beautiful Original art ,Love it !!

jamaise said...

That is really, really , really nice. There are so many brilliant people gathered in one spot with all of their beautiful made with love and detail - I'm overwhelmed. I have to be a part next year :))

Thank you for the chance - I would treasure it as you have :))


Gaby Bee said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Gaby xo

CreativSpirit said...

Hi Nancy, I would love to be included in the draw for your beautiful gift. Thanks,

Mary said...

What a gorgeous heart! Please enter me in your drawing.

Jennifer said...

That heart rocks!

Stop by, if you have time...

Sam said...

what an absolutely gorgeous heart, I would love to win something so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for participating. Be sure to enter my drawing as well. I'm #434 on the caravan.

D Q said...

Beautiful work! Please enter me.

~Melissa Merrill~ said...

What beautiful piece of heART. Would love a chance for my name to be drawn. I too am having a OWOH giveaway. come on over if you haven't already. # 388 on the list.
Melissa Merrill

Unknown said...

Wow, Nancy this necklace is gorgeous! It is so unique. I have never seen anything like it. Please include me. Come see mine, too.

GreenishLady said...

Please add me to your draw. What a lovely piece!

artbeckons said...

lovely! please include me in your drawing =)

Laura S. said...

What a pleasure to discover your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway-such a pretty heart!

Dawn Wilson said...

Wow how beautiful
thanks for playing

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful art piece! Please enter me in your drawing.

Bleubabe at aol dot com

†Gerri said...

love the heart. pretty. please enter my name.s

Anonymous said...

Hi I love your beading!! Please enter me ti winn and thanks for visiting! I will be back to see your altered photgraphy again and again!!

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter me in your draw.

janetfaye said...

It is beautiful!

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

HeARTworks said...

Hello from the Philippines! That heart is gorgeous and so unique! Love it!
Isn’t this fun? I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration hopping from one blog to another!
I invite you to visit my blog too- enter to win an ATC with your face on it!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!


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© The Evolution of Nancy
CoffeeShop Designs