Wednesday, February 18, 2009

extra postage

i love getting something in the mail!
doesn't everyone
yesterday a large envelope arrive from nyc
i had to drool over the the stamps before i even opened it
art work on it's own
i will definitely use these in a collage and in ps
inside the envelope was this stunning grid collage
from my blogger friend ,
and talented photographer
judy tillinger
what a wonderful surprise and beautiful gift
thanks judy, your the best!
i can't wait to frame and display it


  1. Thank you for the GORGEOUS Photo art! I loved getting such a beautiful surprise in the mail!

  2. I recieved my card today!! It is so stunning!!! thanks...m.

  3. I was so surprized by my little package today. Thanks so much for the little piece of art. I have it hanging on what is turning into my muse wall. It has little works of art (ATC's etc) that I have rec'd from others.

  4. i always save the posted stamps, too!

    what a fun collage . . .

  5. Great collage! Red is one of my favorite colors when it comes to art.

  6. What a lovely mosaic, and I love those Audrey Hepburn stamps!

    I've just received your card and artwork, so delightful! And I've blogged about them over on my blog here

    Thank you!
    I'm glad you've received some snail mail love too.

  7. Nancy
    Thankyou so much for the lovely card and gift! I posted a blog featuring them... just lovely!
    Hav a great week!

  8. What a wonderful surprise. Oh and I agree the postage is wonderful. Collage art on it's own. I love the red of your surprise.

  9. What a cool collage from your friend. Isn't it fun getting treasures in the mail?

    I got something wonderful in my mailbox yesterday. Stop by my blog for your thank you note ;-)

  10. Nancy!!!! Thank you so much for my wonderful card and little wall hanging! I love it! I hung it up in my bathroom! Thank you thank you thank you!

  11. It is a great piece and the stamps are wonderful. I love Audrey Hepburn.


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