Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy valentine's day

i feel the love!


  1. Your Valentine is so lovely. So much detail in the stitching, the heart, image and wonderful mix of paper. Your art touches my heart. Thank you!

  2. Love the fabric val. Happy love day to you, too!


  3. Love the spontaneous looking scratches.

  4. That's because you're all HEART kiddo! Hope you get to sip some champagne and eat plenty of chocolates. Have a "Love-ly" Day.

    i love the beauty in its simpicity
    may your day be one full of chocolates!!!
    many thanks for your kindness :)
    x's & o's

  6. I received your OWOH postcard today, many thanks, it is really lovely, and I have blogged it.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well, what a sweet treat I received thank you so much. I had to laugh my husband rushed over to see who it's from. Imagine that!

  8. Happy Day to you! I received your beautiful card yesterday and I love it! Thank you so very much.

  9. Nancy,
    Happy Valentines Day to you..what a surprise yesterday...I received your lovely art card...what a beautiful and generous gesture.. it must have taken you quite a lot time to make 150 cards! Loved the mini you so much..that was so thoughtful of you...I love your style and will be watching to see what you do next! If you get a chance I've finally added a new piece on my blog!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Nancy, I received the mini collage you sent yeaterday, how very cool! Thank you so much, what a pleasant Valentines Day surprise, and it is so creative and unique!

  12. Nancy,

    I jst wanted to thank you for the lovely note card and "Angel" series original photo and art. That was so very nice of you! The art will hang in my home as will the note card as both are lovely.

  13. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. i was VERY happy to receive your collage, thank you so much! it's posted at

  14. I received my beautiful card in the mail! Thank you soooo much Nancy! This is definitely frame worthy :) How sweet of you!

  15. Dear Nancy ~ Thank you for sharing the beautiful EECummings You Tube, it will be the perfect link to send to my sweetie for his birthday! :)

    Thank you also for the beautiful valentine, it touched my heart so sweetly. It is absolutely gorgeoeus! What a lovely thing to open after returning from being away for a couple of weeks. Thank you SO very much Nancy for your kindness and generosity, it's lovely of you to share your creativity!
    Brightest of Blessings to you and yours always! oxoo

  16. Thank you, Nancy, for my original card in the mail! It was lovely and such a nice surprise. I've let my life get so hectic that past couple of years, that I miss mailing art back and forth to friends. Maybe this will spur me to get back to it!

  17. Thank you so much for the card you sent to me "down under"! It is lovely.


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