Thursday, February 12, 2009

OWOH and the winner is???????

WOW, what a whirlwind
thanks to the over 900 participants
from all over the world
i have found some new friends and
"met" some really creative and talented people
drum roll please........

the winner is......

check out her blog
she is an amazing artist and photographer

i can't believe i've have 492 comments and
decided to add a few more prizes

one for every hundred comments

so second prize goes to...........

another amazing artist
love her digital work and jewelry

third, fourth and fifth prizes go to......

marie neige
her photography is stunning

a wonderful illustrator


mixed media and photographer

thanks to all
i wish everyone could win
as promised i've made 150 handmade cards
and have been busy answering e-mail and stuffing envelopes,
and several trips to the post office
i'm still waiting for 30 or so responses
now that the excitement is over
i can go back and really enjoy looking
my new favorite blogs


  1. Hi Nancy,
    You are a winner too! You have won my OWOH draw (participant #258). I'll send you an email shortly with the details.

  2. Congrats to all of your lucky winners. I love your jewelry and you did a great job with this event. I can't wait thill next time to do a giveaway myself.

  3. Congrats to all the winners and thanks Nancy for the cards! :)

  4. Hi Nancy!
    Thanks for my lovely OWOH card which I received today-beautiful!
    Sarah :)

  5. wow! Thank you! I am sooo excited! Just got home from a long 12 hours at work and found your email! I can't wait, itis beautiful! And thank you for your kind words!

  6. Wow, your additional giveaways were so great...only, I didn't win! I'm happy to have found your blog, and had such a great time on OWOH all together!

  7. Hello Nancy.
    The winners of your art are so fortunate!

    I have so enjoyed getting to know you through your blog! Your art and generosity of spirit shine through with grace. Because of this I want to share you with many people and so have given you an award in my latest post. As you will see, i do not go by the rules and only want you do embrace this as it feels good to you.
    Best wishes,

  8. Big CONGRATS to all the lucky winners! :)
    Thank you so much for sharing this FUN! Have a LOVELY evening!

  9. congrats everyone! this was indeed so much fun!

  10. Thank you again for the beautiful mini collage I just received today! You are a generous gifted artist and I love that you have shared so much of yourself! Many thanks! I'm so honored!

  11. Nancy, I just received your card. It is lovely. Thank you so much.

  12. Hi Nancy,

    I just opened My Mail ~ OMG What a Lovely Card.... That was so thoughtful of You! I Love It, I think I am going to frame it & hang in My Studio....
    Happy Valentines Day to You

  13. I got my card today and its beautiful. Thanks so much.

  14. Congrats to all who won! So happy to be getting a goodie pack, thank you!


  15. Congrats to the new winners! Wasn't OWOH a wonderful event to participate in? Happy Belated Valentine's Day. :)

  16. Nancy, I just received your card today and was so surprised and delighted! Thank you so much. It's beautiful and it is definitely a pleasure to meet you!

  17. I got my collage in the mail today. I was just expecting a card, not this sweet little work of art. Thank you so much. I am adding your blog to my favorites. Thank you, thank you...

  18. Hi Nancy,

    I received the most beautiful hanging Angel today in the mail. I absolutely love it!! At first I couldn't figure out why I received such a beautiful item in the went searching for your blog, once again...thanks so much. You put so much of your heart and soul into the OWOH event.



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