Thursday, December 31, 2009

another year

where did the time go?
remember Y2K?
what a difference a little time makes
i'm not one for new years resolutions
i like to set goals for the up coming year
do more art!
wishing everyone a
happy new year
and all the best for a

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

christmas presents

most women wouldn't get excited
opening a blow torch or a heat gun!
the only 2 things on my list this year
it will be great to try them out next week
when my encaustic class resumes
i also received some linen and wood canvases
plus some coloured wax and scrappers
and a extra gift from one of my clients
old dental tools
which will be great for carving the wax

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas

may the spirit of christmas bring you peace,
the gladness of christmas give you hope,
the warmth of christmas grant you love

wishing everyone a very merry christmas
and all the best for 2010

Thursday, December 24, 2009

i'm dreaming of a white christmas

christmas waves a magic wand over the world,
and behold,
everything is softer and more beautiful
n. peale
looking back at last year
we had snow starting in early november
and i didn't stop until april!
above a photo from my street
on christmas eve '08
as much as i don't miss shoveling the snow
i'm dreaming tonight.......

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

baby it's cold!!

still no snow
but baby!... it's cold outside!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

winter garden

the only thing left standing in the garden
my hydrengea
with a light dusting of snow
my friends on the east coast are
digging out from over a foot of snow!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

shadow shot sunday

i still haven't put up my christmas tree
worried about beanie climbing to the top
so i just put some lights in the front bay window
to add a little christmas spirit
snowballs and pinecone lights
they make a nice shadow in the day
perfect for shadow shot sunday

Friday, December 18, 2009

all grown up

i can't believe how much my little baby has grown
she looks so much "bigger"
but she still my little bean
since i work from home i get to spend everyday with her
she is very entertaining and makes me laugh all the time
she loves to hang out with me and watch me work
and all my customers love her too
my new shampoo girl
(if only i could get her in a red pair of shoes leslie)

after a hard days work
with 2 beds, 2 couches , several chairs and
plenty of "soft" places to sleep
she love to curl up on the book shelf in the laundry room!?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

winter is here

let us love winter,
for it is the spring of genius.
~Pietro Aretino

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

crazy christmas lights!!!

after leaving martha's house last wednesday
we stopped to see this house!!
i could only imagine how many lights !!

the igloo with the 8 mini penguins
is my favorite
catch the
on TLC
tonight at 7 pm

Saturday, December 12, 2009

shadow shot sunday

while visiting my friend martha
for our tree ornament exchange
i noticed her chandler was
home to some of her wonderful ornaments
they have a "who" like quality
and cast a wonderful shadow
so i thought they would be great for this weeks

above, one of martha's ornaments close up

Friday, December 11, 2009

time to play

20 scarves, check
60 necklaces, check
10 tree ornaments, check
christmas cards, check
packages mailed, check
with only 14 more days left 'til christmas
it's good to have most things done
in the past month i've been so busy
i haven't had time to just sit and play

every morning after checking my e-mail
i usually work in ps for at least a half an hour
i bring up one photo and just play
i try on every function, effect and filter
you just never know what will happen
above a simple photo i took this summer
while visiting carmi
the "zoomed" in view is
from one of my favorite shots

i added an old "soundings" map
some text from susan
a scrapbook page with rough edges, inverted
and the photo cropped

after i saved the project i played some more
adding filters
this one was inverted!
i like the "blue print" look

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

encaustic class

when i arrive for my last class of the year
i was totally un-prepared
i've just been burning the
creative candles at both ends
and had no ideas
i thought worse case
i would repeat something i've already done
then i found some photos tucked in my tool case
i had several shots of texture and grunge
one of my favorite things to photograph
is the hot plate i'm working on
i found two from previous classes
and one inspired me to create the above painting

a detail of the
"smooth to rough"

i added copper leaf
and oil paint to "stain" it

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

christmas shopping

this weekend i attend the
an extraordinary jolly christmas sale
mixed media art, digital prints, collage sheets,
new CDs of images and her book: creating from the inside out.
works of arts, gemstone bead and silver,
one of a kind jewelry
resin, paper and fibre embellishments,
buttons, magnets and baubles
eclectic / vintage style jewelry
and home accessories
unique jewelry, hand-made cards and art pieces
Aracely Cruz
quilled art and collection of exquisite ribbon jewelry
Fabric boxes, vintage, framed tree ornaments, doggie knits
soft and sparkly ornaments
hand-crafted from fabric and aluminum

Saturday, December 5, 2009

we have a climber

what to do, what to do???
usually i have my christmas tree up
but i'm afraid that little miss bean
will be the new tree topper!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

encaustic class

i started this a month ago
i really enjoyed creating the background
very translucent
i added the tree photos
and the text
but felt it was a bit bare
i'm trying to decide weather to add the leaves

or i can always start over?

Monday, November 30, 2009

one of a kind show and sale

yesterday i spent the day at the
mainly to visit my friend carmi
above, one of her beautiful handmade art cards
and also to get inspired!
i did manage to meet some very
lovely and talented people
the show is on until this sunday
if you get a chance ---go!!
some of my favorites
mixed media/acrylic

Sunday, November 29, 2009

salem and sss

on our september road trip
one of our last stops on the east coast
i've been looking for these photos ever since
i downloaded them from my camera
put them in a folder, then in my vacation folder
so i thought
(getting old sucks!!)
while searching for something else
i found them
i haven't posted for
for 3 weeks
and thought these photos would do
the "neat" border/frames
was a tutorial from my friend marie
over at lost aussie on the loose
a quick and simple way to frame your photos

Friday, November 27, 2009

christmas spirit

with only 28 more days 'til christmas

it's time to get the holiday spirit

at my gym
they are collecting gifts for
i noticed no one was buying for the teens
so i thought the girls might like my crochet scarves
now what to do for the boys?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

many thanks!

i can't express how grateful i am
to my friend cat
for hosting such a wonderful and successful event
many thanks to all the guest
who made my jewelry sale
a unbelievable success
especially those who came in
all way from hamilton!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ready for sale

tomorrow is another sale day
i just finished my resin pieces

everything is packed up and ready to go
i hope everyone is in the "buying mood"

Monday, November 23, 2009


with such a mild fall it's hard to believe
that it's only 32 more days 'til christmas!
i know i've been counting since labour day
but somehow its hard to imagine it's that close
when there are leaves to be raked
and roses growing in my neighbours garden!

Friday, November 20, 2009

resin gods

it's been a while since i've poured any resin
i was blessed by the resin gods and this morning
woke to find all 8 pieces
with no bubbles!!!
now the fun part
adding the chains and embellishments
i'll keep you posted

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

a day at the ago

my favorite spot in the whole building
over 400 ft long and 50 ft high
connecting all the galleries on the north end
it's nice to be able to take an break
and sit in the light
over looking the city
everything is make of wood
the floor, beams, furniture and art
the architect

i could live in this room

one of my favorite exhibits

"I realized that electric light would be
my greatest ally in getting variety into fashion pictures.
In the later years of my work for Vogue and Vanity Fair,
there were lights going all over the place.”

i was pleasantly surprised by the calder exhibit

i had never heard of him

which is funny because i love wire

Sunday, November 15, 2009

jewelry everywhere

when making jewelry
i like to have everything "out"
you never know what will inspire a piece
and as disorganized as it gets
i always know where every little thing is

the other of the side of the table
50 necklaces ready for sale

time for a break to stretch my neck!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

mothers little helper

i've been so busy making jewelry
my first show this week was a success
i sold 24 necklaces
so today i was back at it again
with a little help from my

Thursday, November 12, 2009

sometimes grey

Be still
sad heart
and cease repining
behind the clouds
the sun is shining
ever have one of those days?
photo taken this summer
on a country road near carmi's

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

birch trees

one thing you don't see enough in the city
birch trees
i don't know why that is
my first visit to owen sound
i noticed them everywhere

the birch trees that line
the stream in the photo
of the previous post