Tuesday, December 29, 2009

christmas presents

most women wouldn't get excited
opening a blow torch or a heat gun!
the only 2 things on my list this year
it will be great to try them out next week
when my encaustic class resumes
i also received some linen and wood canvases
plus some coloured wax and scrappers
and a extra gift from one of my clients
old dental tools
which will be great for carving the wax


  1. ooohhhh -- old dental tools -- how fun. I agree that you got the best tools :) Last year I got a mini butane torch, but I think that I'm ready for propane. I just need a heated garage to work in :)

  2. Lucky you...I've been eyeing a heat gun for quite a while now, but there are no subtleties in my family, I'll have to save up and get it myself.

  3. Oh my G I've been bugging my denist for years for her old tools. You are so lucky.

  4. oh you lucky girl..i've been eyeing a heat gun for quite some time..can't wait to see what you fire up!!!

  5. They all look and sound like great preents to me.

  6. Woot! Those presents rock! My hubby thinks it is great when I tell him I want to order from Northern Tools or Harbor Freight!!! Happy New Year to you, and get work with those new toys!!! lol!

  7. There's nothing like a girl and her tools! I just know you will put them all to wonderful use. (you go girl!)

  8. cool, and great idea those used dental tools.


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