Tuesday, December 8, 2009

christmas shopping

this weekend i attend the
an extraordinary jolly christmas sale
mixed media art, digital prints, collage sheets,
new CDs of images and her book: creating from the inside out.
works of arts, gemstone bead and silver,
one of a kind jewelry
resin, paper and fibre embellishments,
buttons, magnets and baubles
eclectic / vintage style jewelry
and home accessories
unique jewelry, hand-made cards and art pieces
Aracely Cruz
quilled art and collection of exquisite ribbon jewelry
Fabric boxes, vintage, framed tree ornaments, doggie knits
soft and sparkly ornaments
hand-crafted from fabric and aluminum


  1. I hope you have a blast! I will have to check out their links when I get a chance.

  2. Your support is always appreciated!!


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