Sunday, November 15, 2009

jewelry everywhere

when making jewelry
i like to have everything "out"
you never know what will inspire a piece
and as disorganized as it gets
i always know where every little thing is

the other of the side of the table
50 necklaces ready for sale

time for a break to stretch my neck!!!


  1. Are you preparing for the Holly Jolly as well? Love your mess, that's how I work, in every aspect of my life.

  2. This is exactly how I would do it. I like to see everything and not have to get up to go look for something. Wow, you've been busy.

  3. I think you're absolutely right that having everything out sparks creative connections. I have a theory that when different pieces can see each other, it makes them want to come together.

  4. Love it! Your style is a dream come true for me. I tend to not pull everything out because of space however, you are right about how it would spark creativity! I think I'd better rethink how I make jewelry. :)

  5. Can't wait to see it up close and personal. Nice work!


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