Monday, November 30, 2009

one of a kind show and sale

yesterday i spent the day at the
mainly to visit my friend carmi
above, one of her beautiful handmade art cards
and also to get inspired!
i did manage to meet some very
lovely and talented people
the show is on until this sunday
if you get a chance ---go!!
some of my favorites
mixed media/acrylic


  1. I was there on Saturday! I just love Jodi Wheeler's work -- I was so tired though while I was there -- my eyes glazed over. I bought lots of Brooks chocolate and some great tapenade though..

    I think that your link is off for Marjolyn's site....

  2. Isn't it funny other than Carmi our favorites as so different.

    Couple of my favorites, flyball bags, Out of Ruins,Noelle Hamlyn Snell

  3. your artwork with encaustic is fabulous ! :-) I love


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