Sunday, November 29, 2009

salem and sss

on our september road trip
one of our last stops on the east coast
i've been looking for these photos ever since
i downloaded them from my camera
put them in a folder, then in my vacation folder
so i thought
(getting old sucks!!)
while searching for something else
i found them
i haven't posted for
for 3 weeks
and thought these photos would do
the "neat" border/frames
was a tutorial from my friend marie
over at lost aussie on the loose
a quick and simple way to frame your photos


  1. lovely spooky photos!!

  2. Scene funereal—
    shadows dancing like specters
    on crumbling gravestones.

    My Shadow Shot

  3. Ooooh! Have to agree, those are spooky shadows!

    Enjoy your day!


  4. great pixs the tombstone. i also like the frames...going to checkout your link. glad to know i'm not the only one searching for the whereabouts of photos on my computer.

  5. I have always wanted to go there! Feeling better knowing I am not the only who searches for long lost pics on their computer!!! Beautiful photos.

  6. These are beautiful shots! Color - composition. Wonderful.

  7. Great photos. Both my mother and my brother were born in Salem and we used to visit my grandparents there in the 1950s, but I haven't been back there since the 1970s.


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