Friday, December 11, 2009

time to play

20 scarves, check
60 necklaces, check
10 tree ornaments, check
christmas cards, check
packages mailed, check
with only 14 more days left 'til christmas
it's good to have most things done
in the past month i've been so busy
i haven't had time to just sit and play

every morning after checking my e-mail
i usually work in ps for at least a half an hour
i bring up one photo and just play
i try on every function, effect and filter
you just never know what will happen
above a simple photo i took this summer
while visiting carmi
the "zoomed" in view is
from one of my favorite shots

i added an old "soundings" map
some text from susan
a scrapbook page with rough edges, inverted
and the photo cropped

after i saved the project i played some more
adding filters
this one was inverted!
i like the "blue print" look


  1. very nice...good to see you working in digital favourite is the one at the top

  2. I like both versions. You do such great things with photo shop. Love seeing what you create.

  3. I like the cyanotype looking one too!

  4. Outstanding. This is inspiration indeed. Thank you.

  5. I like the blue print look, too, but I also like the top one, too.


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