Saturday, February 26, 2011

there was a crooked house

i've been organizing my photo files
and came across these.............
taken in the fall on my way to georgian bay
every year i expect to see that it has finally fallen
this time i actually hopped the fence
(ignoring the warnings)
and got a few close up shots
i wish i could go inside

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

encaustic class

have i ever mentioned that
i love texture
lot and lots of texture

the one thing about working in encaustic is
that i can create just that

today i wish i had more than three hours in class

Monday, February 21, 2011

playing with texture

i first photo (top left)
is of my encaustic painting from last week
in photoshop i desaturated the colour (top right)
the bottom two have photo filters on them

to see what the texture would do
i opened a photo of a tree added the b/w texture on top
and after trying on all the blending modes
i settled on exclusion

with a bit a script and a grunge frame from shadowhouse
blending modes set to darken and linear burn
and there you have it

Saturday, February 19, 2011

you've got mail

with a little "help" from molly
i packaged up and sent out my packages
to the owoh winners
(one to germany, california, the yukon and niagara)
keep you eye out for the postman coming soon

Thursday, February 17, 2011

and the winners are........................

it's been fun the past few weeks
being apart of OWOH
thanks to everyone for visiting my blog,
taking the time to leave such wonderful comments
the winners!!!!!
kristen from twinkle, twinkle
birgit from swapping howdies
a special thank you to all my new followers
and some of my new favorite blogs
jenny from a simpler life
spencer from bellamere cottage
jo-ann from jdmstudios
karla from day dream studio

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

encaustic class

toady's class was spent creating backgrounds
above i used some the the dye cuts from my friend lu
several shapes and sizes
i used burnt umber to highlite the texture and shapes
while i was waiting for the paint to dry
i worked on another board
layers of clear wax to create texture and
several different colours of oil paint in between
taking it one step further
when i got home i used the photo in ps and
desaturated the colour and added the poster edge filter

i will play around with this one
adding it to several photos to see what will happen

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentines day

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away
~Oscar Hammerstein,
Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"

one of my mini encaustic painting i made for valentines

Friday, February 11, 2011

digital journal magic

as the final week of my marie's online class comes to an end
i had a chance to combine my newly learned lessons
with my vision circle class
it's a work in progress
it represents what i see in my future
every picture is a reminder of what i love
and the statement is what i have learned about myself
i am a self healer
through my creativity
i've always said that my art is my meditation, my therapy
and it has always been comforting to be able to express myself
thanks leanne for you guidance and marie for the tools to express it

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

encaustic class

today's class was spent experimenting
my friend lu gave me some die cuts(above)
the metal heated quickly and then went easily into the wax
i added white oil paint in the groves and removed the extra

for another project i used this stencil

layers of teal and brown wax and then copper leaf

Monday, February 7, 2011

after catching up on my blog "hoppin'" for owoh
there where a lot of new tutorials and free downloads
which i managed to at least try a few on

above, four of the textured overlays

Friday, February 4, 2011

early morning

as the days get longer
i seem to wake up earlier
the view from my window this morning was gorgeous
the sky was changing so fast
in the matter of minutes it went through
every shade of blue and red

only 45 days 'til spring!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

snow day!!!

after 2 days of hearing about the storm of the century
i woke up to a normal ( for canada) snowfall
schools closed, the streets were quite,
the news says 10 cm ( that's only 4 inches)
not much going on so i decided to take a look for myself
6 inches with a drift............
beanie wasn't liking it!!!!
since my encaustic class was canceled
i caught up on some paper work
playing on the computer
and watching groundhog day
btw, phil did not see his shadow today
so it means an early spring!!!!!