Wednesday, February 2, 2011

snow day!!!

after 2 days of hearing about the storm of the century
i woke up to a normal ( for canada) snowfall
schools closed, the streets were quite,
the news says 10 cm ( that's only 4 inches)
not much going on so i decided to take a look for myself
6 inches with a drift............
beanie wasn't liking it!!!!
since my encaustic class was canceled
i caught up on some paper work
playing on the computer
and watching groundhog day
btw, phil did not see his shadow today
so it means an early spring!!!!!


  1. I, too, was surprised after hearing words like snowmageddon, snowpocalyptic, blizzard. Nothing happened until 2:30 pm and then the snow fell with a vengeance. No ploughing around here yet.

  2. Four inches is still too much for me! Glad I'm not there :-)

  3. We got about a foot, but I can't open my back door because there's a snow drift higher than my waist sitting right in front of the door.

  4. i'm ready for spring but i don't believe the groundhog given the recent weather..i'm surprised beanie ventured out in that mess...

  5. We were a little disappointed too here in upstate NY!!! We were supposed to get up to and over two feet..only ended up with about 8 inches. I was just excited I didn't have to work that day..and ready to hunker down at home with my dogs!!!

  6. Hi Nancy,

    I am writing about my OWOH journey after the 17th. I wanted to include your blog and ask you for your permission to post your OWOH photos.

    Thank you,


  7. Nancy, even though I didn't make it in time to post a comment on the OWOH entry. I had to stop and let you know how wonderful and amazing your necklaces are. I am now a follower and look forward to visiting you again. Blessings, Rebecca #393


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