Monday, February 21, 2011

playing with texture

i first photo (top left)
is of my encaustic painting from last week
in photoshop i desaturated the colour (top right)
the bottom two have photo filters on them

to see what the texture would do
i opened a photo of a tree added the b/w texture on top
and after trying on all the blending modes
i settled on exclusion

with a bit a script and a grunge frame from shadowhouse
blending modes set to darken and linear burn
and there you have it


  1. what a beautiful piece you created Nancy! i love the added script at the bottom.

  2. soooo cool....i love your work...

  3. I love how well exclusion worked. It can be so interesting using blending modes other than the soft light, which of course seems always to work.
    I have been having sucess lately with the vivid light mode

  4. you inspire me! love how creative you are...if i can learn just half of what you know about the mysteries of photoshop ..i'll be happy!

  5. Wonderful. Very inspiring. Just like a picture of today...snowy and frosty.

  6. Absolutely beautiful. My fingers are itching to go play with Photoshop now.


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