Wednesday, February 16, 2011

encaustic class

toady's class was spent creating backgrounds
above i used some the the dye cuts from my friend lu
several shapes and sizes
i used burnt umber to highlite the texture and shapes
while i was waiting for the paint to dry
i worked on another board
layers of clear wax to create texture and
several different colours of oil paint in between
taking it one step further
when i got home i used the photo in ps and
desaturated the colour and added the poster edge filter

i will play around with this one
adding it to several photos to see what will happen


  1. these are fantastic...i love the first one.. very different from what you usually do but it really draws me in...always a delight coming here Nancy!

  2. the die cut background is really different...i like it!

  3. I really love the way you combine your encaustic work and Photoshop.


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