Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentines day

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away
~Oscar Hammerstein,
Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"

one of my mini encaustic painting i made for valentines


  1. I LOVE it!:)

    Happy Valentine's Day. I'm wearing my Queen of Hearts necklace...always.

  2. I like it...your creativity always shines!

  3. Hello Nancy!
    I found you through "We love digital art" Yahoo group. Your blog is so lovely. I am now following so I will be back again to visit!
    Hugs, Diane


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