Tuesday, June 30, 2009

flee market finds

once a month i like to visit the
st. lawrence antique market
i get there as early as i can
i love wondering through, usually twice
deciding what i'd like and how i'm going to use it
i have so much "stuff"
i try to put a limit on what i get
and how much i spend
some things are just worth it
like the brownie starflash camera
i'd finished and was leaving
waiting for the light to change and looking back
i caught it , sitting there calling to me!!!
i had to buy it, only $10
i have a small collection, this one makes 5
other great finds:
a bag of crystal $5
a box of metal hardware $20
a bag of watch parts $10
and children's shoe form $5
it was a fun morning
i even saw some celebs
justin and colin from home heist

Monday, June 29, 2009

more blooms

after the rain yesterday
i could smell the honeysuckle
i have 4 in bloom
my arbor is covered in clematis
on both sides, white and purple
red prince weigela
and a second bloom on my woodland poppies
everything else is growing nicely
with all the rain then the heat and now more rain
i can't wait to see what blooms this week

Sunday, June 28, 2009

garden blooms

a few of this week blooms
out by the back fence where the cherry tree
used to shade the whole back garden
now the sun is filtering through
and things have really change since last year
the hostas and coral bells are bigger
the creeping jenny has taken over the flagstone path
the hydrangea's are twice the size
everything seems happier
also in the garden, evening primrose(sun drops)
perennial geranium and weigela

Thursday, June 25, 2009

it's official

after watching last nites show
michael buble meets madison square gardens

i have a crush!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

summer dayz!!!

since sunday the temperature has been
climbing up into the 30's c.
which is nice for the garden
all that heat had made a few things burst open
my peonies were just sitting
in these little buds for weeks
i was beginning to wonder if they would every bloom
yesterday they were half open
and today, full blooms!!!
i love them, they remind me of my granny

Monday, June 22, 2009

more encaustic

another project from heather's class
inspired from one of my texture photos
it was one of those projects
that started out as something else
(brown and copper leaf)
and went off on it's own tangent and
became something really cool
i added the metal bar and gave it a rust treatment

the rust came out a bit yellow instead of orange
which works great with this piece

i finished off the sides with roof flashing
rusted it and nailed it to the sides
i've enjoyed using my found objects
adding another element to my work

Saturday, June 20, 2009

encaustic class

i had my last encaustic class this week
feeling a little sad
i love my classes with heather
i learned so much and i
look forward to class in the fall
i've been busy "finishing off" a few pieces
above is one i started a few weeks ago
i used natural bees wax and wall paper
rubbed on oil paint and added the metal

close up of the key

i just finished the sides
i used copper sheeting
distressed it with liver of sulfur
then added a patina wash
and nailed it to the fame
i have a few more to finish
just waiting on the rust treatment to get to work
will post as soon as they are done

Thursday, June 18, 2009

essential things in life are seen,
not with the eyes but with the heart
antoine de saint exupery
above, photo from my garden

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

found art in the country!

while up in the country this weekend
we attended an outdoor party
at "western smoke out town"
owner "earnie" hosts this great party
3 bands , food and byob plus a huge bomb fire
the first thing i noticed was charlie's bike!!!
WOW a collage artists dream
i couldn't stop taking pictures
the was so much "stuff" on this bike
i love the "mad max" feel

my favorite is the " brownie hawkeye" camera on the back
crown royal bag, crystal door knobs,
mouse trap, egg beater, change maker,
hand cuffs, oil can, spur, horns, lunch box,
marlboro ashtray and bicks and smuckes gas covers

i'm sure i could design my own helmet
that would go perfect with this!!

i'm getting inspired

Monday, June 15, 2009

country weekend, part 2

my friend lisa and her horse "skippy"
the weather was just perfect
sunny, not too hot and no humidity!
(i really needed some time away from my computer!
still have some "quirks" to work out)
it was nice to just hang out
it's such a different life
i really must visit more often

the pet peacock

danny's barn

i want my mom!

back of the chicken coop


Sunday, June 14, 2009

country getaway

just got back from a weekend in claremont
had a great time
but a little tired and soar
will post photos tomorrow
above , my boots and me relaxing on the deck
looking at " dutchess" the 9 month old "paint"
enjoying her lunch and new home

Friday, June 12, 2009

doing my happy dance!!!!

i'm happy to say that my computer is home
and i'm feeling whole again!!
my hard drive died a terrible death
and now i have a new and improve model
everything seems to be somewhat back to normal
i'm sure i'll find lots of stuff that needs to be done
but for now i'm doing my happy dance
(with the help of a bottle of wine--thanks gillian!)

above a few shots of the
bachelor's buttons aka cornflower
blooming in my garden

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

encaustic class

well, my computer is still in the shop
so i'm on my friend lennie's
(too far to drive to irenka's)
i'm still going through withdrawls!!!!
i've managed to get a lot
of other stuff done
today's encaustic class was learning more texture
layers of paper, then wax
oil paint, more wax and some cheese cloth
i like the effect
these will make great backgrounds for future photos

Monday, June 8, 2009

garden bloom and computer gloom!!

my computer started acting funny last thursday
by saturday i was ready to throw it out the window
since then it's been in the shop
i never realized how much i used it
until it wasn't available
i'm going through withdrawals
my routine is all messed up
and i feel like a limb is missing!
(or just miss checking up on all my blog friends)
hopefully everything will get back to normal
by the end of the week
above is a sea of garlic chives
growing out front
a least my garden will keep me sane

Thursday, June 4, 2009

encaustic class

after 7 classes with heather
i really happy with the way my work has been progressing
i've been very patient
practicing new techniques
not really knowing what to expect
(i've never worked like this before)
working back and forth a several pieces
learning to build up texture
and taking breaks , working on something else
then going back
so yesterday it was exciting to finish
my second piece!
i was getting frustrated
not sure what to do with this one above
i had a vision then lost it and
suddenly i found it again
and then it all clicked!
the more i look at it the more i like it!
below are a few close up details
of some of the texture

Monday, June 1, 2009

nature meets grunge

i love photoshop
sometimes you just don't have the time or the space
or the energy to get out all the supplies and
work on some art
never mind all the trial and error
waiting for paint or glue to dry
and then all the clean-up!
after a long day
it's nice to sit at the computer and play
with just a few click you can take
a few simple photos
one of a tree silhouette taken earlier this spring
and the second of a telephone pole, taken today
a few tweeks here and there
convert to black and white
a bit of cropping
merge the two together
play with the blending modes
add some text
a half an hour later!
something i could not have created
without going a little crazy!