Wednesday, June 24, 2009

summer dayz!!!

since sunday the temperature has been
climbing up into the 30's c.
which is nice for the garden
all that heat had made a few things burst open
my peonies were just sitting
in these little buds for weeks
i was beginning to wonder if they would every bloom
yesterday they were half open
and today, full blooms!!!
i love them, they remind me of my granny


  1. Oh yes, I have two peonie plants in my yard. My mom hates them and I love them. My mother-in-law planted them and every year I get a wonderful smile from her bursting forth in the form of their large fragrant blooms. Lovely!

  2. Peonies are so decadent. I love the little imperfections in this one- like the brown spots. Flowers grown at home never look plastic like some can look at the florists.


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