Thursday, June 25, 2009

it's official

after watching last nites show
michael buble meets madison square gardens

i have a crush!


  1. Oh my, my. Love this guy and his sound. Thanks for the intro. I'm still listening........

  2. When you are looking at the You Tube, up in the right hand corner you will see two long boxes one is URL which is what you have copied onto your post. The other is "Embed". If you scroll carefully across the long box and pick up all the text you copy and paste that into your post and it appears as the direct video.

    Sometimes it's tricky to capture all the text...

    Start at the front of the Embed box and LEFT clicking and holding the mouse, make sure you scroll past the word 'param'...once it starts rolling to the right, go to the end and the last word should usually be object. It will stop there and then you edit>copy>edit>paste into your post.

    Hope this helps. Love Michael too!

  3. hmmmm, I'm not a Michael Buble fan, however I think seeing him live would change that feeling. There are several artists, that I could 'take or leave' until I saw them live, and then bang! Pure fan devotion!

  4. Nancy, my emial is (or were you wanting my home address?).

  5. Yikes. I find I am irritated by him.....ot sure why.

  6. Oh YAY! It worked. I love this video. Thanks. Don't you just love that song too!?? Let's have martinis some time.:)

  7. Love Michael Buble and have watched him a few times when he's in town. However, lately he has turned me off with his bad boy attitude.

    I still like his music though.


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