Monday, June 8, 2009

garden bloom and computer gloom!!

my computer started acting funny last thursday
by saturday i was ready to throw it out the window
since then it's been in the shop
i never realized how much i used it
until it wasn't available
i'm going through withdrawals
my routine is all messed up
and i feel like a limb is missing!
(or just miss checking up on all my blog friends)
hopefully everything will get back to normal
by the end of the week
above is a sea of garlic chives
growing out front
a least my garden will keep me sane


  1. How is it you are writing to us now? Love chives.

  2. Love the photo. Hope your computer will behave once it comes back home.

  3. Computer glitch is one of my nightmares...everything is here...addresses, inspiration ideas, photos of all my work, contacts, etc...So I have a good idea how you feel...Sending out a little computer reiki....

  4. Hope the 'puter is fixed soon! The chives are lovely.


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