Wednesday, June 10, 2009

encaustic class

well, my computer is still in the shop
so i'm on my friend lennie's
(too far to drive to irenka's)
i'm still going through withdrawls!!!!
i've managed to get a lot
of other stuff done
today's encaustic class was learning more texture
layers of paper, then wax
oil paint, more wax and some cheese cloth
i like the effect
these will make great backgrounds for future photos


  1. I totally love the rich texture in this piece and know you're going to do some awesome digital work using it. And, I'm sending lots of sympathy your way because I absolutely hate computer problems and am totally addicted to computer access.


  2. Well it's a good thing Lennie is around the corner, I didn't get on my computer either yesterday, I have my computer geek at home and he's reformatting AGAIN. so I'm on the lap top which is not nearly as good. Anyway, love the new background, glad you and Lennie are together perhaps discussing the expo.

  3. love these!

    o! how we've come to rely on technology, even to share our hand wrought pleasures...

    no judgement...just...sigh....

  4. Did I spot a postage stamp? These are awesome. Aren't friends wonderful, so glad yours let you borrow for a time. :)

  5. thanks everyone, i'm at curves, working out and checking my mail,
    hopefully i get my computer tonight.
    thanks joanne, i can't wait to get working in ps again!
    irene, what expo?
    magpie, big sigh
    tess, good eye!
    thanks girls, i miss my mornings visiting and will checkup on everyone tomorrow, fingers crossed!

  6. The other day we were taking a class at Wise Daughters and there were a number of encaustic canvas' on the wall. It's really an interesting art form when you can see it up close and personal. I must say, you have a wonderful touch. Good luck with the computer and getting back on line.

  7. Wow...this is such an amazing work of the colors and textures.. just really fabulous and tactile!


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