Friday, June 12, 2009

doing my happy dance!!!!

i'm happy to say that my computer is home
and i'm feeling whole again!!
my hard drive died a terrible death
and now i have a new and improve model
everything seems to be somewhat back to normal
i'm sure i'll find lots of stuff that needs to be done
but for now i'm doing my happy dance
(with the help of a bottle of wine--thanks gillian!)

above a few shots of the
bachelor's buttons aka cornflower
blooming in my garden


  1. Glad you are back and renewed. Great picture!

  2. i just had the same thing happen with my computer, and it is so good to be back in touch! Great strength and godspeed in catching up!
    love the radiant pics posted...

  3. Hey there, hello from Corbin KY. I wanted to do a blog post tonight but I'm too exhausted! Just wanted to let you know I mailed your photos to Catherine this morning, after we crossed the border. Like I suspected, it was less than three dollars. :-) And they'll get there fast!
    (why is my word verification "ramen" .... am I supposed to be having noodles.....)


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