Wednesday, July 30, 2008

brilliant premio

what an honor!
has included me in her list of favorite blogs
i found denise while surfing the web looking at "toy camera" stuff
i was instantly attracted to her wonderful eye for taking photos
and have since been visiting her blog every few days
the rules:
*post the above logo to your blog
*link to the blogger you received it from
*award at least 7 blogs
*link to those blogs
*leave those bloggers a comment about receiving
the brilliant premio
since joining the blogging community,
i've discovered so many wonderful sites
and have been inspired by everyone

I've notice that a lot of my favorite blogs have already
been nominated so here are a few new ones worth checking out

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


my great grand parents
my grand parents

my parents

me and my sisters

for mixed media monday,
i went through all my art and photos
i guess we all use our family photos
so we don't have the copyright worries
going through my work i realized
that i have to work on the next 2 generations
i have 9 nieces and nephews
and 5 great ones
now i feel really old!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

aince awa, aye awa

time for a little heritage
opening ceremony at the highlands of durham games

i love a kilt

and the dancers remind me of my granny,
dancing on the black and white checked floor
if only i had the chance to go back again

he wis anerlie a bit laddie
drummer in training
i just loved this guys spirit
he didn't miss a beat or a step
"the strang o the trump"
and the bag pipes always bring a tear to my eye

heavy games!
need i say more!

and hamish, the best boarder collie in town

i know agnes was here

Saturday, July 26, 2008

i love texture

after playing hookey yesterday i'm still feeling a bit blocked
but hopeful
i thought if i got out and just wondered i would find anges
i looked every where--the gym, the chiropractor, the big carrot,
everything to get my mind and body back into it
then i got myself lost, well not really lost but somewhere i've never been
what a peaceful place, just what i needed
historic buildings and a 9 hector wildflower preserve
i took a stroll through the woods
in the museum i met kelly, what a lovely person
i was so glad she took the time to talk to me and found we had a lot in common
and what a wealth of info
thanks kelly for all the help and making my day
i then wondered across the way to the brick works
a thriving environmentally based community in the don valley
that's where i discovery all the texture
i manage to take over 100 pictures of decay
well, i didn't find agnes but i came home inspired enough to do a posting

Thursday, July 24, 2008


something easy to do for Thursdays challenge
the theme is yellow and i just happened to find these two
taken in SanFran last year while waiting for the ferry to Alcatraz

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

feeling blocked

i'm not sure what it is but i'm feeling a little "out of sorts"
i need to focus or do something to find my muse
if anyone has seen agnes let her know i'm blocked

Monday, July 21, 2008


i hate to throw anything out
someday i might need "that"
i have shelves full of "stuff"
i finally got to use one of my leftover polariod cartridges
i used it as a frame for one of my polariod transfers
and for mixed media monday it works well
this weeks topic is rust
now i just have to deside how to hang it
maybe some rusted wire?
a work in progress

Sunday, July 20, 2008

stroll on the beach

i love the water
the sound of the waves have a way of soothing me
it's a great place for me to "be"

Friday, July 18, 2008

lazy days of summer

i've been enjoying the summer
my garden is like a little oasis in the city
the smells of honeysuckle and lavender
the birds singing
sitting on my deck enjoying the breeze
making jewelry and drinking wine
and i didn't have to drive for 3 hours to get here
all i need is a hot tub!!
i found this sign on an outdoor cooler in kingston a few weeks ago
it made me laugh
why wouldn't ice melt in your mouth? and
why would you ever use lake ontario water?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

blooms book

i love getting mail
i belong to a photo journal group hosted by
this months theme was "blooms"
i couldn't decide between 4 so i included them all
it's always interesting to see how catherine will present each book
this one, i'm sure, took a lot of time to put together
each page was sewn to a long strip of fabric and then folded into a book
it will look great as a wall hanging or kept as a book
thanks to all who participated

Monday, July 14, 2008


it was 46 years ago today that i was brought into this world
daughter number 4 of 5
proud parents Marlene and David Donaldson
i never really thought much of my birthday, just another day, another year
but recently i've realized that my life is great,
i'm very lucky to have a wonderful husband and good friends
and the time to be creative
my dear friend dede fitzpatrick dropped off a lovely handmade card and present
inside the card was a quote from abraham lincoln
and in the end,
it's not the years
in your life
that count,
it's the life in your years
so today i count my blessings
i have had a lot of life
it's a wonderful life
here's to another 46
and i will make them count!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

waste not

last fall i had the opportunity to take a class with michael demeng
hosted by my friend carmi here in toronto
i always wanted to take one of his classes but they sold out quick
so it was nice to have him in my home town
it was a fun and interesting class
this was my finished project
just another reason to save polariod

Friday, July 11, 2008

mixed emulsions

another reason to save polariod -- emulsions!
when i first learned how to do polaroid transfers
i was wondering what to do with the leftover, under exposed photo
they really didn't look like much but terry insisted that
in the afternoon part of the class
we would "do something" with them
well, i had not idea!
what a wonderful surprise to see the jelly goop
turn into something great!
i wish i started earlier,
now i keep looking at the 3 boxes of 669 film in my fridge,
checking the expiry date , hoping, by some miracle that there
is a warehouse full of film waiting to be discovered
I will pay extra for it!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

save polariod

i had the opportunity to take a polaroid transfer class at A&S virginia in 05
with my friend & wonderful photographer & artist terry berg
by lunch i was addicted and bought her day lab
i just love the unexpected things that happen and have had fun
discovering new things with this new medium
unfortunately "they" have decide to discontinue this product
looking at one of my favorite blogs denise lombardozzi
i found this link to save polariod
i just thought the more people know that maybe, just maybe
we can get something done
this photo was taken in jerome, Arizona while visiting my friend sylvia luna
on our way to the grand canyon

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

playing around

just having fun playing with some of my montreal photos,
i tried everything once just to see how they looked
this one i'm happy with for now
i'll play some more later
i spent all day in the garden cleaning out one of my flagstone paths
and i'm really tired, tomorrows another day

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

mixed media monday

I found this great new challenge at mixed media monday
i used one of my old posts of a digital collage and got some wonderful responses
what a nice group, thanks to everyone for looking
i looked at every ones entry and felt bad,
i should have posted a "real" MIXED media
so here it is
i have taken several classes with claudine helmuth
and learned some really cool tricks
this one is a photocopy of one of my favorite angel photos
an architectural photocopy, old book pages, decorative paper and
tissue and some gold findings
i colored it with a antiquing glaze
i've been so busy learning "stuff" on the computer
i haven't spent much time getting my hands wet
i think this group will inspire me to do more

Monday, July 7, 2008


what a great weekend
i got to spend some time with my favorite people
paula and randy and their little boy sammy
who i kissed a million times and not one complaint
(sammy loves his aunt nancy)
we ate, drank and swam, and sat by the fire
i managed to take 50 shots just sitting and staring
maybe it was the wine?

Friday, July 4, 2008

hidden surprise

while in montreal, hubby and i stumbled into a wonderful gallery,
or as they say in french galerie
one of their feature artist was a local named
he is an inspiring photographer who prints on stainless steel
i just love his work and wish i had the $6000 to splurge on one that really called to me
it was from his 8 seconds series
i wish i could describe it but words wouldn't do it justice
one of my simplist shots was of a letter slot on an office building near our hotel
hubby was confused and curious as to why i "wasted" my time taking this picture
but i said wait and see what i do with it when i get home
well i finally got to play and was surprised as to the outcome
what do you see?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

fierce creatures

as i walked up to the parliament buildings in ottawa i thought WOW,
this is going to be good
the architecture is amazing and there was so much wrought iron
as i moved closer i could see more and more details, everywhere
gargoyles, coat of arms, owls, beavers, rams, indians, thistles, fleur-d-lis,
fish, frogs, and mythical creatures!
i think i will have fun playing with all these images
i posted these fierce creatures for illustration friday

montreal part2

old montreal, rue st. paul
the port area is full of cobble stone streets
and wonderful architecture
so everywhere you look they is something interesting

the best shopping, for men and women.
styles have a more european feel and everyone dresses up!

we started out in the morning walking the streets of old montreal
we got to see the wedding party going to the church, and then several times
found them on their photo shoot here and there
during lunch we saw the flower girl skipping by,
excited to be apart of the party and then later she looked alittle tired

don't forget to look up!
after spending 2 weeks looking down making jewelry
it was nice to stretch the other way
so much detail , no wonder i took over 900 photos

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


it has been 10 years since the last time i visited montreal and it was even better than i remembered or maybe i have a greater appreciation now
my last trip, i use only b/w film and thought i had taken alot of pictures but this time i went crazy with my digital camera and ended up taking over 900 photos
it was hard to decide which ones to post
i better make a filckr page to accommodate them all
here are just a few

Happy Canada Day!!!

Parliament Hill, Ottawa

Sir John A. MacDonald