Wednesday, July 30, 2008

brilliant premio

what an honor!
has included me in her list of favorite blogs
i found denise while surfing the web looking at "toy camera" stuff
i was instantly attracted to her wonderful eye for taking photos
and have since been visiting her blog every few days
the rules:
*post the above logo to your blog
*link to the blogger you received it from
*award at least 7 blogs
*link to those blogs
*leave those bloggers a comment about receiving
the brilliant premio
since joining the blogging community,
i've discovered so many wonderful sites
and have been inspired by everyone

I've notice that a lot of my favorite blogs have already
been nominated so here are a few new ones worth checking out


  1. hi nancy! Thanks for visiting my blog and giving me the award! I really appreciate it. :)

  2. Thank you for the honor! We are going to Richmond,BC this weekend, which made me think of you and then find my name on your blog. We are going to the Summer Market, and a garage sale from Lazarwerks. Call me crazy, just had a huge garage sale last weekend, but now have room for more! Love what you are doing with your photography. I've had the makings for doing TTV photos, just need to put it together!


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