Monday, July 14, 2008


it was 46 years ago today that i was brought into this world
daughter number 4 of 5
proud parents Marlene and David Donaldson
i never really thought much of my birthday, just another day, another year
but recently i've realized that my life is great,
i'm very lucky to have a wonderful husband and good friends
and the time to be creative
my dear friend dede fitzpatrick dropped off a lovely handmade card and present
inside the card was a quote from abraham lincoln
and in the end,
it's not the years
in your life
that count,
it's the life in your years
so today i count my blessings
i have had a lot of life
it's a wonderful life
here's to another 46
and i will make them count!


  1. i wish you a very happy,healthy and artful year ahead,nancy...
    so happy to have found you and your beautiful soul!

    my best,

  2. Another 46 indeed! Any many more too, many more.
    Hugs, Lennie

  3. Happy Belated Birthday....hugs and love Marie xoxo


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