Friday, July 4, 2008

hidden surprise

while in montreal, hubby and i stumbled into a wonderful gallery,
or as they say in french galerie
one of their feature artist was a local named
he is an inspiring photographer who prints on stainless steel
i just love his work and wish i had the $6000 to splurge on one that really called to me
it was from his 8 seconds series
i wish i could describe it but words wouldn't do it justice
one of my simplist shots was of a letter slot on an office building near our hotel
hubby was confused and curious as to why i "wasted" my time taking this picture
but i said wait and see what i do with it when i get home
well i finally got to play and was surprised as to the outcome
what do you see?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cool. You mean the bird, right? I love it -- if I stare a little more, it almost looks like the bird is in a big cat's mouth. There's that unexpected art again.....


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