Tuesday, July 8, 2008

mixed media monday

I found this great new challenge at mixed media monday
i used one of my old posts of a digital collage and got some wonderful responses
what a nice group, thanks to everyone for looking
i looked at every ones entry and felt bad,
i should have posted a "real" MIXED media
so here it is
i have taken several classes with claudine helmuth
and learned some really cool tricks
this one is a photocopy of one of my favorite angel photos
an architectural photocopy, old book pages, decorative paper and
tissue and some gold findings
i colored it with a antiquing glaze
i've been so busy learning "stuff" on the computer
i haven't spent much time getting my hands wet
i think this group will inspire me to do more


  1. Wow what a wonderful piece.

  2. Nancy, this is very nice. Funniest thing, tho', I'm another Nancy and mine wasn't "mixed" either! I'm also going to do another.

  3. This has a very ethereal feel to it - very nice!

  4. This is a very classy piece, would compliment any decor.

    Do not feel bad about the digital collage, that is also an art. I have yet to really "keep my hands clean" and figure it all out.

  5. Hi Nancy,
    Love your work, and your blog too, I will go back and look it over carefully. thanks for adding me to your blogs, I will do the same. Carole Segal, Montreal

  6. Oooh, Nancy - I'm so glad we inspired you to "get your hands wet" - this piece is gorgeous! Diane


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