Friday, September 3, 2010

longweekend fun and games

if you live near toronto
you know when you hear the song
"let's go to the ex"
it is that time of year again
the cne is a long tradition, 132 years, of fun

there's games

and food, lots of food
my favorite, tiny toms donuts
a bag on the way in and one for the ride home

the midway, concerts , kids world,
the farm, horse show, cats and dogs,
casino, shopping, air show
and so much more

and did i mention the food building
my second favorite
the perogies
wishing everyone a great long weekend!!!

above, photos taken last year at the ex
top photo of the princes' gate


  1. you too!
    have a fun, fun weekend!

    PS Nancy!

  2. Have a great long weekend! I love your photos. We went to the Ex earlier this week, to avoid the mayhem in the weekend. Like you, my 2nd favourite building is the food building. We went twice.

  3. I'm not getting there this year, I'm so glad to hear you had a good time.

  4. Woohoo I went and I tried the beaver tail donut holes with ice cream. They were to die for!!

    Sandy xo


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