Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the summer is coming to an early end
as i wonder through my garden this morning
is was sadden to see so many plants
looking like it was late september
a few shrubs are already turning yellow
some plants even looked burnt
and i was surprised to see that my fall aster
is in full bloom!!!
with temperatures reaching in the 30's c this week
it's hard to imagine that fall is on it's way
and as much as i love the fall
i will miss my mornings wondering through
my garden and enjoying my morning tea
photo taken in my garden this morning
played in ps and a layer mask


  1. What a lovely image! I know what you mean about the garden though, mine is fading fast too despite the fact it is still 95F!

  2. Mine too....I hate to see the flower petals all dropping....

    But. Can't wait to see a red leaf!

  3. I'll miss that too, my garden is out my breakfast window, and I already miss some of the climbing flowers.

  4. Beautiful, Nancy. The lavender color is one of my favorites. I lover Shadowhouse Creations' textures and masks.


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