Monday, September 6, 2010

beautiful women project

an unexpected surprise while visiting the ex
i came across the
created by artist and speaker
above, cheryl-ann and her art

cherly-ann has created
120 life-size clay sculptures of real women aged 19-91
each decorated to reflect an aspect of the women's life journey

the project was inspired by her daughters friend
who was saving for breast implants at the the age of 13
the mission of the project
to raise awareness about the link between
self-worth, self-identity and physical appearance
above, self portrait of the artist
"body image is not black and white"
and " self acceptance"
a women who lost a breast to cancer

i purchased
containing photos and stories of all 120
works of art
"the book" has been produced as
a fundraiser for the project
a teaching and healing tool for people
from all walks of life


  1. What a fabulous gallery display. This display would be a great oportunity for learning for pr-teen girls. Like my granddaughter who at age 11 already has breasts that she has learned will bounce. Too young! They are growing up so fast these days. I have seen pregnant belly art before and the reson behind this art is excellent. I do hope the 13 year old rethinks her need for breat implants. I'd love to own the book and read all of the stories. I have an aunt that lost a breast to cancer. It's sad one of her p[ieces of art had to reflect this but I am glad she did. Where is this gallery and where can I get the book?

  2. Thank you for sharing that, what a special person she must be. Have to get the book.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. I will share the message and the book with the young girls in my life.

  4. Wow, that must have been very impactful. Although upon leaving, I'm not sure if I would feel better or worse about the body that I see in the mirror.


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