i still haven't put up my christmas tree worried about beanie climbing to the top so i just put some lights in the front bay window to add a little christmas spirit snowballs and pinecone lights they make a nice shadow in the day perfect for shadow shot sunday
one part luck one part right-place-right-time one part karma one part serendipity one part friends one part A.D.D. one part eye one part height one part creativity
unless otherwise noted all photography, artwork, and content displayed on all pulpedout the evolution of nancy, is copy right by Nancy Donaldson and may not be used without prior written permission or consent
Please be advised that the karma gods will be watching.
Oh, I love your shadow shot, Nancy! So crisp and clear! I find myself staging shadows when it's too gray and sunless and it's fun!
Enjoy! And have a lovely holiday season!
Christmas projected onto a lamp shade. It makes a wonderful and unusual shadow.
Great shadow! And totally perfect for Christmas!
such stunning shadow play
Feliz Navidad
Have a great ShadowShotSunday
Happy holidays!
Love the black with such bright white. Great contrast!
What a clever shot - it took me a while to work out if it was inside or outside. Have a very happy Christmas.
very striking shadows! Lovely shot!
The Christmas tree lights
still hoard within their bright hearts
traces of shadow…
My Shadows
It almost looks like a collage - well done!
Oh I love these shadows!
My SSS can be found here. Merry Christmas!
That's a clever shot-it looks like a minimalist shadow Christmas tree!
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