Wednesday, September 30, 2009

first stop

our first stop on our road trip
as my granny would say
"the one thousand islands"
the fall colours were just starting

this time we made sure we included
a tour of boldt castle
on heart island
across from alexandria bay
construction started in the late 1800's
on the summer home built by george boldt
for his wife, louise
and was never completed due to
louise's death and george's broken heart

it was my second visit in 15 years and i was amazed
on the amount of renovations ,which started in 1977
after the home was abandoned in 1904
the entire first floor is now complete and furnished

a view from the boat of the power house

next stop
lake placid
then on to vermont,
new hampshire and massachusetts

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

no place like home

as much as i love to travel
it's always good to be home!
6 days on the road
27 hours driving time
over 2000 km
and tons of photos to go through
i will post some tomorrow
me and my new red shoes
on my front porch
attention carmi:
i may have to borrow
your bedazzler machine!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

road trip

first stop
see you in a week!
photo taken at

Monday, September 21, 2009


the worlds largest artist community
westbeth is located in nyc
it's where i attended
lynne perrella's class last month
at lunch i wondered around the area
taking photo
love the subtle texture


first evidence of fall

Saturday, September 19, 2009

shadow shot sunday

early this morning
i thought "what a great shot"
took a couple of photos for sss
hosted by hey harriet
went to make coffee and brush my teeth
came back to take a few more shots
and it was almost gone
just a faint shadow
so i took a few mores shots
they just looked so faint
but it gave me an idea
so i played a bit in ps

and here you go!

Friday, September 18, 2009


it's been 3 weeks since my ny weekend
i haven't had much time to sit and play
with my photos until today
my first morning was spend
walking through bryant park
it was so quiet!
which is hard to imagine!
just a few workers, tourists , homeless people
and me, taking shots of the amazing refection's
after the evening rain
one of my favorite blogs to read is
judy has a wonderful eye for photography
and lives and works in manhattan
she finds so much beauty on her walks to work
and inspired me to take these shots

so next time your out
look up, look down, look back

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

encaustic class

the next evolution in my quest for
learning about texture
we decided to experiment with food
rice, pasta, sesame seeds, rosemary and loose tea
it was fun adding these elements to the wax
some embedded and some on top

detail of the above work
i painted the the whole surface with a taupe wax
then added in some green, ochre and browns

here is a close up of the black tea
added on top
mostly seeds
my second canvas was more mono chromatic
you can really see the food
if you look real close you can see some the sesame seeds

rice and small bits of spaghetti
plus some discarded bristles from my brush

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

i'm always interested in "who's" been
visiting my blog
c.m. jackson has a wonderful photo blog
that's where i noticed
shadow shot sunday
hosted by
another beautiful photo blog
so i decided to play along
a photo from my trip to nyc
a few weeks ago
early morning in bryant park
i also got some great reflection shots
i'll post them later this week

Friday, September 11, 2009

new addition

i can't believe it's been 7 weeks since
baby momma gave birth
above, our new addition to our family
she's so cute, lovable and funny
i haven't laughed this much in a long time!!
she's full of beans, so that's what i've been calling her
bean, beanie and beanie baby
not sure what will stick

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

encaustic class

i'm so happy to be back in class
i tried to get some work done over the summer
but time just flew by
my goal this fall
with the help of my teacher, heather
is to take my texture to the next level
and expand my color palette
above my first project
it still needs a lot of work
but that's what the class is for
to try new things , experiment
and work outside of my comfort zone

some of the detail from todays project

Monday, September 7, 2009

where has the summer gone?

finally, summer arrives
on the closing of the cne
it was a great long weekend
while the masses left the city to
spend time at the cottage
i enjoyed a wonderful time
visiting my town
like a tourist, camera around my neck
visited friends and a few galleries
toured different neighbourhoods
ate way too much junk food
and enjoyed a day at the ex
above, a shot of the ferris wheel at the cne
or the "ex" as we call it in toronto

Saturday, September 5, 2009

too soon

only in canada
the last longweekend of the summer
and we have to find this flyer in the mail
how many more days 'til christmas?!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


last chance to see the
at the awol gallery
today and saturday, 12 to 6 pm
sunday is the last day 1 to 5pm
above just one small corner of the show
over 150 rows times 8 in each

the show was so successful that
they needed a second venue
to house all the paintings
opening nite, ludgera

it's like a giant patchwork quilt
every time i went around the room
i saw something new
a shot o one of my submissions
elvis, second last row

Thursday, September 3, 2009

encaustic show part 2

yesterday, i stopped by balzacs
for lunch and coffee with ludgera
it's a wonderful setting
i love the variety of work
displayed on the rustic brick walls
two of mine on the outsides

my friend and class mate
ron bennison
he's a great inspiration to me
and fun to be around

i love to see so many different techniques
and variations of the same medium

i hope i get to meet the
rest of heather's students
they are all so talented

mine on the lower left

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

encaustic show

my teacher, heather gentleman
is hosting 10 of her students works
at the loft gallery at balzac's
the show starts today and
will be available until october 6th
i start classes next wednesday
at her studio (the case goods warehouse)
just behind the cafe
so if you are around come by
for a peek at us working