Saturday, September 19, 2009

shadow shot sunday

early this morning
i thought "what a great shot"
took a couple of photos for sss
hosted by hey harriet
went to make coffee and brush my teeth
came back to take a few more shots
and it was almost gone
just a faint shadow
so i took a few mores shots
they just looked so faint
but it gave me an idea
so i played a bit in ps

and here you go!


  1. Really loves the first shot! But isn't it fun to play around and see what you can come up with? Shadow Shot has just been the most fun ever!



  2. The lamp in shadow—
    in every corner of light
    some darkness huddles.

    My Shadow Shot

  3. lovely shot, and i like the way you played with it to make the second picture

  4. Great pics. I do not have photo shop but hope to get it when I get a new computer. I think my computer might blow up if i add that program to it at this time. lol Anyway, always enjoy what you share on here.


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