Friday, September 18, 2009


it's been 3 weeks since my ny weekend
i haven't had much time to sit and play
with my photos until today
my first morning was spend
walking through bryant park
it was so quiet!
which is hard to imagine!
just a few workers, tourists , homeless people
and me, taking shots of the amazing refection's
after the evening rain
one of my favorite blogs to read is
judy has a wonderful eye for photography
and lives and works in manhattan
she finds so much beauty on her walks to work
and inspired me to take these shots

so next time your out
look up, look down, look back


  1. This is a really neat concept. Reflection. As you reflect on your fabulous trip. Thanks for the insight.

  2. great photos! Now I want to make a trip to NYC :)

  3. I love your photography - they are trully abstract art! I think I loved your photo best of them all!

    I'd be honored if you stopped by look at mine!


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