Tuesday, September 29, 2009

no place like home

as much as i love to travel
it's always good to be home!
6 days on the road
27 hours driving time
over 2000 km
and tons of photos to go through
i will post some tomorrow
me and my new red shoes
on my front porch
attention carmi:
i may have to borrow
your bedazzler machine!


  1. Now those shoes go perfectly with that car! Can't wait to hear the stories about this adventure!

  2. Welcome back. I love the shoes. I look forward to the other photos.

  3. Glad you are home safely. Anxious to see the wonderful photos. As for the shoes, pretty shoes but my toes hurt just looking at them. :)
    (Can you tell I'm wide footed?)

  4. Everyone should own coloured shoes!


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