Thursday, July 16, 2009

posts from blogger past

every morning after i wonder through my garden
i sit and read through some my favorite blogs
while visiting marie, the lost aussie
she posted about something seth , the altered page
he brought up a great point
and has challenged everyone to go through their "old" posts
and find a "buried treasure"
well, once i got reading, i realized that
this is a wonderful "self discovery"
when i started blogging , it was to take
the next step in my evolution
i was a little nervous, i'm by no means a writer
and was wondering how i would ever
come up with the words never mind
have something that would interest people


a year and a bit later
i've posted 235 times,
have had over 7700 visitors,
and 77 followers

i had a hard time deciding which was my favorite post
so i decided to use someone else's words

words to inspire

posted november 19th
for "a day of sharing words"
a challenge started by

"we get so caught up in the furry of our lives
that we forget the essential thing about art-
that the act of creating is a healing gesture,
as sacred as prayer,
as essential to the spirit as food is to the body

our creative work reveals us to ourselves,
allows to transform our experience
and imagination into forms that
sing back to us in a language of
symbol of who we are,
what we are becoming,
what we have loved and feared.

this is the alchemy of creation:
that as i attempt to transmute a feeling or a thought
into and artistic form that can be
experienced by another,
i myself am added to,
change in the process."
jan phillips

photos from my weekend trip to owen sound
it was truly a creative time which changed me
thanks to
lk ludwig for starting this idea
(see previous post)


some of my favorite posts

what's in a name?

good question

been there, done that


aince awa, aye awa

thanks seth, for sending me on this trip
and thanks too, to all my visitors
happy creating!


  1. nancy I enjoyed your "treasures" I have a mental picture of the blenders, pulp and margaritas party that has made me chuckle!

  2. I enjoyed your Buried Treasures very much!

    Glad I found you on Seth's blog!

  3. Discovered your blog through Seth's buried treasure post! Coincidence that I too selected my post from "a day of sharing words" the challenge started by
    lk ludwig! Beautiful post!

  4. I'm grateful for the opportunity to re-soak up the posts of days past.. beautiful banner by the way! and loved the title of your post too..

    xo, me :)

  5. Followed the trail from Seth's blog that brought me here to your gorgeous blog! I'll certainly return.

  6. Found you through Seth. You have a lovely blog with some really wonderful pics. I like your banner, too.

  7. Would love to have joined your pulp party. I have my 101 list and am working on it.

  8. gorgeous photos!!! found you from seths list..and glad i have met you
    but i will dig deeper yet

  9. Such a wonderful poem. It really speaks volumes. And those photographs are perfectly matched. Thank you for participating!

  10. I like your dictionary entry for evolution... and thanks for the poem and pictures. You are very talented.

  11. those pictures are quite amazing - thanks for sharing all these gems!


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