Tuesday, July 14, 2009

moon child

i've been celebrating my "birth week" since saturday
but today is the actual date
every month i'm a moon child
my moods change accordingly
everyday i'm a crab girl
defiantly, hard shell, soft inside
and everything i approach is sideways, never head-on
it might look like i'm a "go getter"
but i will contemplate everything, from all angles,
before i actually do something, i'm just quick at it
now that i'm older and wiser!
oh, did i mention the water!
i'm ruled by the tide, twice a day
good thing i have that crab shell to hide my mood swings!!!

me when i was 4
seems like a long time ago
oh, wait a minute! it was!!!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday. You don't seem "crabby" to me! Hope everything aligns for you today and always. Best love.

  2. happy birth day! I wanted to let you know what incredible art you sent to Tracy....magical pieces.
    anytime you would like to trade let me know

  3. Happy Birthday dear moon child. You just reminded me that my moms birthday is coming up end of this week. Happy Day!!

  4. Happy Birthday for today...you are still blonde and cute!

  5. I would like to see you crabby! I have a hard time visualizing that!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have had a great week!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a nice celebration.


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