Saturday, July 18, 2009

everythings coming up lilies

i forgot how many lilies i have in the garden
mostly orange and yellow
about 5 years ago while wondering through canada blooms
i found a booth selling "bare roots"
lilies and hostas
so i bought a ton
potted them and kept them in my bay window
watering, waiting, watching them grow
finally green leaves, then transplanted them into
the ground when it had thawed
something very satisfying about this process
especially when you get great results
above, my favorite
hemercallis hybrid
moonlit masquerade


  1. Have I mentioned how much I love the photos you take of your flowers! And, that I really like the color and texture of your banner!


  2. I love this day lily. I'm going to add it to my garden for next year.

  3. I'm putting it on my "buy it at canada blooms" as well list. Beautiful garden.

  4. Oh how I could use your knowledge and inspiration. The beds at our new house need some serious help and I don't even know where to start. Part of me wants to tear it all out (too. many. roses!)and start over.
    All of it except for the peonies and the lilies. Those make me happy.


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