Thursday, May 14, 2009

encaustic class part 2

it's not finished but i thought
you might like a sneak peak
i've been learning all about texture since
i started taken classes with heather
she knows it's my passion and has been helping
me develop it over the first 4 classes i've taken with her
i have 5 boards on the go right now
this one is the closest to being done
the photo was taken at the
mont royal cemetery in montreal

a close up of the gate and texture
i used several shades of grey and taupe
and a bit of blue and green

one thing i learned was how to make a mold from clay
coated it with linseed oil and poured in the wax
and in minutes i made 3 wax finials
i gilded each one in silver leaf
and distressed them with black paint

a close up of one of the finials
it still need some work
but i'm happy how they turned out
i'd like to add a little more wax
to add to the depth
i'm really loving my new class!!


  1. Nancy they look great and I'll bet your teacher loves having such a willing student. Well done!!

  2. It looks great. A new teacher?

  3. Nanc those are incredible.... I'm inspired to try something new!

  4. What a lovely piece! I love the visual imagery and great texture.



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