Saturday, May 16, 2009

the first long weekend!

i usually work saturdays
but for the summer
i take off 4
starting with today
i was up a 6 am
and down at the st. lawrence market
what a great way to start the day
a cafe latte and fruit cup
wondering , sampling,
enjoying the smells and the atmosphere
the rest of the weekend will be spent
gardening, relaxing and a few bbq's
i can't decide....
raspberry margarita's or bellini's
maybe i'll try both!
to my fellow canadians
i hope you have a great
victoria day!


  1. I haven't been to St. Lawrence's market in years! What fun!

    Happy Victoria Day to you too Nancy!

  2. I haven't been there either. What a great photo. You are inspiring. Have a great Victoria Day. I think I might be heading out to my mother's to make tussie mussies with the old gals.

  3. I love going to St. Lawrence Market...we took Aidan a couple of times and he loves it.

    He loves the "market pasta" and always craves for it. It has become his regular staple.

    Have a great Victoria Day weekend.

  4. Have both the raspberry and the peach! :) They're Fruits after all:)

  5. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
    And, I'm with Leslie Jane - I'll have one of each ;-)

  6. What is "Victoria Day"? We don't have it here in France. Thanks for visiting my blog, Nancy and thanks for your wonderful phographies and blog.

  7. hi..i just found your blog and was thrilled to see st. lawrence market. i lived in toronto for years and miss it terribly! if i still lived there i would have been meandering through it with you early in the day! you might want to check my blog out too.



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