Tuesday, May 12, 2009

encaustic class

i love texture
always have
so it's seemed natural to incorporate
it into my encaustic work
i started a new class last wednesday
(a 7 week course)
with heather gentleman
one thing i have learned from her is patience!
expect the unexpected
and enjoy the process
which i'm slowly learning
and enjoying immensely
it's hard for me not to mass produce
and see results- instantly
but this is part of my evolution
above are sections of three different boards
all "works in process"
and i'm o.k. with that!!
i can't wait for tomorrows class
to take them to the next layer of texture


  1. What a gorgeous smorgasbord of textures ...a real feast for the eyes. I can't wait to see what you're going to do with them.

  2. Nice textures. Makes for a great background.

  3. At first I thought 'denim and rust' but after looking at them for awhile they reminded me of the beautiful colors of the planet from space. The textures too are fabulous and the whole effect is of something earthy, found in nature.

  4. Awesome variations, Nancy. Like the others, can't wait to see what you do with them.


  5. Love the different textures! Have lots of fun with them too, your work is beautiful as always!


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