Tuesday, May 5, 2009

balancing act

for the past few week i've been try to balance everything
this time of year is extra work
my part time job is my garden
not that i'm complaining
i just wish there were more hours in the day
it's like an addiction
i can't get enough
and while i'm working i'm thinking
about what to do next in the garden
it's convenient working from home
when i get a break i can go out and take a look around
do a few things and them back to work
i'm praying for a rainy day
so i can stay in and do some art
the one thing that has been lost in the balance
above is a photo from last years garden
they are just starting to bud and will bloom in july
i have 8 hydrangea shrubs and several different varieties


  1. Hey you, balance is everything ...remember? Anyway, I knew you must be burning the candle at both ends ... call me when you get some time (you'll likely get the machine though; Al is on midnights -- which is why I am still up and perky at this hour).

  2. Nancy, it is hard to find balance. Whew! I think life is a teetertotter sometimes :D I LOVE your hydrangeas. They are such gorgeous flowers.

  3. We can strive for balance...it's a good thing...I hope you have more success than i have had lately... but I'm not giving up.

    Your hydranges must bring you much pleasure and joy one of my favorites. Looking forward to more picture of them. ;)


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