Monday, May 4, 2009


the past few weeks i've been busy in the garden
this is my favorite time
everyday you can see the changes
sometimes i feel like i can actually
watch the garden grow
everything had tripled in size
and the next few weeks it will really come to life
most days i'm spending 4-6 hours
digging, transplanting, weeding,
so i haven't had much time to do anything else
hopefully i will get to the jewelry i started a few weeks ago
above a photo of
which has a little forget-me-not flower


  1. Oh my, I would lobve to have that much time to spend in a garden. I need so badly to get out in my yard and pull out dandelion after dandelion. My Spiarea bushes needing trimming badly too. Then there is the climbing rose bushes on the house that seem to be falling down (the past storms). I love the picture you shared, so very pretty. Do share more of your garden with us as time passes, please.

  2. That is the most gorgeous plant! I shall look for that one. I'm tending to go more into creative shrubbery these days, but that one is a must have methinks! Beautiful photography....see you soon.

  3. Good luck in the garden. I have 350 bedding plants waiting for a sunny day to arrive so I dont have to put them all in while dressed in my wellies and raincoat!

  4. i want to know how you put all that little grass around your photo. I have a multitude of dandelions as well this year. I can't seem to get rid of this one that is right in the middle of my favorite rose.

  5. Love the forget-me-knots. I love seeing the changes in the garden and the hard work and sweat pay off.

  6. I had such a lovely little garden when we lived in Washington State. I couldn't figure out a thing to grow in SW Oklahoma ~ except for some containers that needed watering constantly in the dry heat of summer. Now we're in Nebraska and I'm just learning about the climate and what will work here.
    Can't wait to see some more photos of your beautiful garden.

  7. *Sigh* so beautiful. We have a carpet of forget me nots in the back yard come June. Don't feel too guilty about being in the garden all the time. I'm sure it's feeding your art.

  8. Gardening is obviously an art too, and like everything you do Nancy, you give it your all.


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