Wednesday, May 6, 2009

praying for rain

i'm praying for rain
one: the garden needs it and
two: i need a break from the garden
i've had this table set up for weeks
i took a class last fall with jane wynn
and kept saying
"i need some supplies to get started at home"
well last month i went out and got what i needed
a blow torch and a tripod
solder, flux, liver of sulfur
i got a little frustrated with my soldering techniques
and kept putting it aside

i've been going through my stash of "stuff"
setting out collages of metal
moving things around and trying to get inspired

this is what i've come up with so far
tonight i will pour the resin
and tomorrow i will add some chain


  1. GOOD WORK!!!!
    This is fabulous. You've inspired me to set up just like that when I get back from the Big Apple.

    Good luck, I know it will turn out wonderfully.

    That was a fun class. That's where I met YOU!


  2. I love setting up! That is the best part!

  3. Love the pieces you made! I also need to get some things in order to solder and age things. I tried using what my husband has but I made a royal mess and haven't tried for about 6 mos. now. Any who, if you need rain I'll send it your way. Today is the first day it didn't rain all day for about a week now. It's supposed to start up again at midnight and not end until Sunday. Take care and hope to see the finished pieces with resin and chain.

  4. What fun to see all your "stuff". Loving the hearts you are working on, and you should get your wish. We are supposed to get rain tomorrow.

  5. You've just inspired me to get back to my Jane Wynn project. Thanks!

    Nice setup and beautiful work!

  6. Wow, these are awesome even in an unfinished state. Your work space looks wonderful. Mine is the dining room table or kitchen table depending on what else I am doing. I tend to create while I'm cooking or doing laundry. Gotta multi-task. Thank you for the lovely gift, I'll be blogging about it soon.

  7. (Oh hell, I just lost my post by going back to your post). I'm so impressed by such neat set-up and storage. I'm using my kitchen counters since the Jane Wynn class and I'm sure that I've been exposed to the most noxious chemicals going. I should really do something since I have the new resin equipment from Lisa Pavelka. Problem is that I have no bezel wire. It didn't really work for me anyways. I shall probably have to improvise. You're always an inspiration and I look forward to seeing the finished project.

  8. love what you've done with the hearts! we've had so much here in Baltimore the garden and yard are like soup and my plants are still in the containers.. .maybe we can trade weather for a few days.

  9. Hi Again Nancy, I've given you the Kreativ Blogger Award. :)

  10. oh you are inspiring me to continue my soldering journey that I have just begun.your pieces are wonderful.

  11. You've (almost)inspired me to finish mine!!! They look fabulous, Nancy! Good luck with the garden -- I'm so glad that it is raining so I can putter around my house....

  12. they look fabulous nancy! thanks for posting them. what an inspiration Jane's class was. I want to do it again.


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