Monday, March 30, 2009

encaustic class

it was a productive last class
i finished 5 pieces
the 2 above
each look good on their own but
are meant to be together
the photo was taken last fall
on my owen sound weekend
i can't wait until next fall to take more classes
so i've found a workshop for april
a one day, 6 hour class
if it works out i will take a few more
to keep me busy

Sunday, March 29, 2009

new perspective

" let the beauty of what you love
be what you do"

Friday, March 27, 2009


one of my favorite things to photograph
i have thousands of pictures
old to modern
skyscraper to cabins
castles to homes
cathedrals to landmarks
just last year on several road trips
from nyc to philly
or montreal and ottawa
i just could decide on which one to use
so why not something from home
a view from centre island and
old city hall both here in toronto

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

encaustic class

with only one more class left
i wanted to finish off a few projects
above, my latest project
i still have project ideas i would like to get to
and techniques to experiment
i've found a working encaustic studio
i will take a few workshops to keep me busy
until the start of the fall session

Saturday, March 21, 2009


"moments in time"
take a moment
siege the moment
feel the moment
live in the moment
take delight in, savior, cherish,
preserve, enjoy, steal,
save, need, want
a moment
there are long, short, happy,
sad, lonely, joyful, passionate,
and senior moments
moments that define you!
this is a background i made using several
papers and images
turned into a b/w drawing
and them added it on top of my clock photo
taken outside my chyros office
it's the tower on top of the beaches fire hall

i played with all the blending modes
and like the exclusion one best!
posted for

Friday, March 20, 2009

spring begins

it's been a long winter!
i've never wanted it to be spring so bad
i just want to be out!
see the sun
get my hands dirty
clear away the debris
and watch my garden(and myself) come to life!
there is a light at the end of the tunnel
and it isn't a train!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

canada blooms

it was worth the wait
just what i needed to get me
out of the winter blues
as soon as you walk in the door
you get hit with the smell
a treat for all the senses

even if we get snow now
i have hope that i will be in the garden soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

encaustic class

with only a few more classes left
i start to panic
all the things i want to get done before then
last spring i had this little visitor
i dreamt of this great idea using this image
and every time i tried it, it just didn't work
so i just decided to "not think about it"
i just started adding the wax over a photo transfer
so far i like it
i also worked on a larger version of a previous piece
up until now, most of my work has been no larger than 10x10
this piece is 12x16
i could only scan it in parts
the top is of the sky
i decided to use the heat gun to smooth it out
and got a little carried away
sometimes a mistake can lead to something cool

Monday, March 16, 2009

photo finds

last post got me wondering through my old photos
one of my favorite all time "finds"
a little mining town between sedona and prescott
it sits on a ledge
once abandoned
is now starting to make it's comeback
filled with artist and gallery's
i found some great crystals and stones
for my jewelry
a really cool graveyard
and gold king mine and ghost town
where i managed to take over 400 photos
some of which where these old trucks

Saturday, March 14, 2009


thursdays challenge
one of my favorite things to do
is get in the car and
find a road i've never been on
a few years ago, my friend lennie and i
wondered up and down
some country roads
and found some really cool places
a swamp, a couple of old cemeteries
and a gas station with several old trucks
i just happened to have some extra rolls of b/w film
and managed to take some great shots

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

windows and doors

windows and doors
i could have posted a thousand photos
one of my favorite things to photograph is architecture
above are two taken at alcatraz

and this one taken in old montreal

Monday, March 9, 2009

encaustic class

today's class was very mellow and quite
i want to make a gift for a friend
she loves trees and this shot
was taken not to far from her house
i used a the same style as one of my
i thought it would be very simple
using the same colour palette and technique
i think i was trying to hard
and it took a lot longer than expected

i also finished this one
it's hard to see but the background is
old german text book pages
the gate was taken in montreal
i used the shellac and blow torch
technique at the end
i really just want to see if the blow torch
would interfere with the transfer
it started to melt in places but
it think it gives it a little charm

Sunday, March 8, 2009

kreativ blogger award

what a nice surprise
thanks to
for giving me this award
7 things that i love or inspire me
the moon rules my creative mood
and agnes is my muse
i love the mountains
and water, it sooths me,
i love being in it, near it and love the sound
the combination of both and i'm in my glory
my favorite, driving down the west coast
between the water and mountains
the next best thing to creating my art is my garden
i love the spring, getting dirt under my nails,
the smells, all the visitors,
cultivating and watching my "babies" grow
it is my therapy, my meditation
i love to wonder, finding new places close to home
and taking photographs
the best is being in the company of creative people
like all my blogger friends and class mates
they so inspire me

Friday, March 6, 2009

the artist project

i spent the day wondering thought the
at the liberty grand
going on all weekend
if you get a chance, it's a must see
over 150 artists
featuring works in all mediums
what a great place to get inspired,
and discover some fabulous art!
some of my favorites
mixed media artist
photographer/digital artist
the above photo was taken today
at the entrance of liberty grand

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

fun with flowers

the beginning of march always gets me excited
spring is on its way!
one thing that always gets me in the mood is
usually it starts today, the first wednesday of the month
but for some reason they changed the date to the 18th
i was all ready to go
good thing i looked at the website to see the hours
one of last years displays was this
table cloth, cake and slice
all made with flowers
a full size piano

and this vw bug
it's a great place to get inspired
look at some unique gardens, displays,
competitions and my favorite
the market place
i'll just have to wait 2 weeks

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

full moon

i just had to take this challenge
i'm so ruled by the moon
it's a great source of creatively for me when it is full
the photo was taken last fall during the harvest moon
through the trees just outside my front door
a few weeks ago i was bored and
made some simple paper backgrounds
i added some gesso on to to diffuse the text
a blue wash of paint
then added the "paper moon"
and transfered a copy of the photo with gel medium
i'd like to try this in my encaustic class
maybe next week!

Monday, March 2, 2009

encaustic class

sometimes the best laid plans just don't work out as expected
today's class was a long trial of my patience
i knew exactly what i wanted to do
i even dreamt about it
i could see it in my head but it just didn't want
to translate onto the wax
i think i will try this again next class
or wait until the right element fits
or should i just walk away?
or leave it as is?
the one good thing about wax is the you can always
scrape it off and start all over again!